MovieChat Forums > Drop Dead Gorgeous (1999) Discussion > Why was the blonde the good girl and the...

Why was the blonde the good girl and the brunette the bad one?

It makes absolutely no sense and this is why: this film is all about how poor Amber is struggling against the odds of her becoming Miss Teen Princess. Well everyone knows that the statistics indicate that the overwhelmingly number of Miss Americas and Miss USAs over the years have been blonde, which is particularly striking in relation to their relatively small number within the overall population. That means a blonde automatically has an advantage over a brunette and/or ethnic rival in such a competition and would mean that far from making Amber the disadvantaged underdog in the contest she'd have a definite edge over a brunette like Rebecca.

The film, as enjoyable as it is, would have made a lot more sense if the poor underdog girl had been a darker ethnic type (hey what about a black or Hispanic girl?...what a shock!) rather than an Aryan blonde (Kirsten Dunst has Germanic heritage). As it is it's hard to see how the odds were really stacked against blonde Amber...



I don't think your taking this seriously enough.


Jesus what a stupid post


Amen. Pointless question for the decade. Congrats.
Why do good guys wear white hats in movies? Why does the guy always get the girl in movies? Get a life, dude. Seriously.
