MovieChat Forums > Will & Grace (1998) Discussion > Season 4 is when the magic disappeared

Season 4 is when the magic disappeared

I remember the show kept getting better and better and I couldn't wait for season 4 to start and as soon as episode 1 of season 4 started, the magic was noticeably gone within the very first minute.

When did the magic disappear for you?


I can't even get past season 4. Its beyond painful.



You liked the episode with Madonna? That episode was too painful to watch. Madonna and her horrible acting, wait you can't even call it acting.



I only watched the repeats; never big on the show! It just made no sense; the inconsiderateness, jealousy, and IQ points going up and down? That scene with Madonna was truly painful; esp. seeing Karen unable to deal with a can of Coke and a glass of ice! She acted clueless; come on she worked with her mom as a con artist! ;-)

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There's actually a thread about Madonna's appearance, and many think she did well, me she looked she was doing a high school play, I felt bad for Megan Mulally..


Of course many think she did well, most W&G fans are gay and most gays defend Madonna no matter what. I'm a 'fan', but the woman is one of the worst actresses ever and couldn't even handle a guest starring role on W&G.


I think the magic disappeared when Grace met Leo. That's when the comedic chemistry between she and Will fizzled out and it was never the same again.


I think it ended as soon as season 4 started and Woody HArrelson was her love interest. It seems like they were grasping at any jokes and we already know Will & Grace weren't the funny ones so to see Jack & Karen grasping at any nonsense to make the audience laugh was tragic.

In all reality, how much longer could they have carried the stereotypical jokes.


I enjoy most of Season 4, but I agree that that is where it started to wear thin. There's a few great episodes after that (Season 6's Last Ex to Brooklyn), but mostly everything else is unwatchable.

Your message can suck it.


I am having a W&G marathon and cannot even get past season 4. I think i only have 6 more episodes before season 5 and i truly don't think i can make it.



Wow I'm really surprised by this and the general consensus on this thread that Season 4 is awful, as to me, it was the last consistently funny season of Will and Grace. Season 5 I thought was really, really bad and the show felt very different. I couldn't put my finger on it until I mentioned it on another forum and someone said they got an overhaul and changed all the writers in Season 5.

There are 27 episodes in Season 4 and having looked through them on Wiki ( and read through the synopsis for each and I like 21 out of 27 of them. I looked through Season 5 and I like 6 out of 24 episodes. For Season 6 I only like 1 episode and that is the one guest starring Mira Sorvino.


Season 4 the show wasn't as funny and they needed less well known guest stars.


Season Four is when things started getting shaky, but there was still some good stuff there. I liked Nathan a lot so I was fine with his episodes, and I think it was realistic to have Grace take the breakup so hard. Also, A Chorus Lie is one of my favorite episodes. Matt Damon's "rockin' a$$!" line was hysterical. After that, things started going south, and Leo sent it on the express train to hell in a hand basket.

"Two gin and Frescas"
"Shaken, not ridiculed"


Season 6 for me. It started to fizzle out during Season 5, but, besides Last Ex to Brooklyn, Season 6 killed it, and Season 7 buried it in cement.




I think season 4 was still brilliant, but had some bad episodes in it (the garden gnome, the will's parents anniversary, etc).

I honestly believe that people are exaggerating their comments on seasons 5 to 8 because not all episodes were consistently brilliant as the first three seasons. If you have to separate seasons, I'd say 7 - 8 are the weakest (although still great). For me the problem was when they started writing and directing Karen and Jack as absolute caricatures; moreso Karen. The Karen we see in season 7 and 8 would have the "first" Karen roll her eyes the way she did Grace's boyfriend Josh.


Yeah I tend to not watch season 7 or 8 and just skip right to the finale.

I also feel like Will and Grace became old, grumpy, or just flat out mean to each other. I understand some of the insults were for comedic effect but I just don't find insults funny when they became so harsh. At least when Karen or Jack did insults in the beginning, it was witty and light-hearted.


Season 4 has the best episode of the entire series: A Chorus Lie

Season 5 was when it started going south


This was my favorite show for years then it got to be painful. Will & Grace became spiteful and just plain mean to each other. Marriage & babies always ruin a good show. 'Seinfeld' got it right by not doing the marriage & baby thing. Also waaaaay to many celebrity guest stars. The two I watch over & over are Sandra Bernhard & Cher.

The truth of life has been revealed.
