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Ways to make series finale work for the new episodes

Been thinking about this for a while... maybe everything we saw in the series finale that would happen in the future, both the two years later and the 20 years later one, was a shared dream both Will & Grace had after their last fight? Since they had such a strong bond and connection, it would be cool if they both had that same dream, or close to same dream. That would show them what would happen if they drifted apart, and they would avoid it. In the new upcoming season they could mention that and kind of make a joke about it


I really hope this isn't what they're going to do. The whole "it was all a dream" trope is super lazy and they already used it in the Finale so it would be extra corny if they went full-out inception.


I admit its kind of lazy, but I dont know what else they can do to justify them still being best friends or being best friends again after 10 years. You have an idea?


they could just run a quick ticker-tape message across the bottom of the screen.. something like "hey, remember how the original series ended with all that 20-years-down-the-road-where-Will-and-Grace-lost-touch-and-their-kids-meet-each-other-at-college nonsense? Just disregard that.. and now, Will & Grace"

Welcome to the El Flamingo, Jeffrey!
Don't piss in the pool, Jeffrey.


That would actually be kind of hilarious. I like it better when its honest like that


There's an interesting theory/idea in the comments under an article about the new season on the fan site hypable. I don't know how to link to the comment, so here's the page to the article and I'll repost their post below [if the one who posted it there originally is reading this and you didn't want me to copy your post, message me and I'll remove it from my post]:

Basically, the poster says there's room in the timeline for them to fit in a new season or a few and theorizes how it could be explained -

You know, I just went back and watched the finale again and I actually think there's wiggle room in the timeline for a new season (or a couple). After Leo and Grace get back together, Will and Grace don't talk for almost two years. That's when Jack and Karen make up that scheme to get them together in the hospital room. Then they have an evening together in Will's apartment, agree to call each other and work out a time to get together again sometime and then Grace leaves. They both look sad and while talking to their respective husbands (presumably later that same night), they talk about how they always thought fate would keep them together but they feel like it might be the end, like there's been closure. Then it cuts to them meeting up again after their kids are grown up and at college, walking off together. Then the next scene is them on the phone talking about their kids getting married to each other and Will, Grace, Jack and Karen meet up at that bar and make toasts.

So, with all that said, I was thinking, it's possible that after they parted ways, promising to call each other and find a time to meet and then later talking to their husbands about their friendship being over, they could have said to themselves, "No, I can't have it end like this" and then both made an effort to reconnect despite their separate, busy lives. They could have had many years of newfound friendship together before having another goodbye, maybe a more natural one like one of them moving away or something like that. Then, the distance between them just grew from the literal distance they were from each other, causing them to lose touch as people do until they happen to meet up again while taking their kids to college. Then whoever moved away could have moved back - maybe because they didn't want to be apart from each other again, especially with their kids dating and then getting married - between that reunion and the night they go out to the bar (which is a long while after their reunion as their kids are now getting married).

The whole Jack being rich thing and Karen being poor and taken care of by him instead of the other way around wouldn't present any continuity issues, it would just be different and possibly an interesting dynamic we can look forward to.

There. I know I put way too much thought into this, but I guess I just need to have it all make sense in my mind for me to enjoy it fully when it comes out.


Why can't they just pick up in the future, after Will and Grace become friends again and their kids get married?

I know that technically that would make the year 2027 or something, but come on, who cares?

The cast have aged well, but Debra and Eric could easily have kids in their late teens/early 20s.

They could very early on do a 'previously on...' or flashback to catch viewers up, and then just pick off where they ended. Maybe Grace separates from her husband and moves back in with Will or something.

I hope they don't retcon the ending, even though I wasn't a huge fan of it.


I vote for the "it was all a dream" concept. Anything else wouldn't be satisfying to me as a long-time fan and wouldn't ring true. I think in this particular case, the "dream" idea wouldn't be too corny because Grace had a crazy dream when she was pregnant...this would simply be another one. When you think of it, it makes perfect sense that the ending WAS a dream. I mean, come on--a gust of wind blowing a man to his death? 

