A: Use make-up and have it set either in the past or the future, given all the years we're shown they spend apart in the finale.
2: They simply retcon the end and tell us to ignore it, this is just them in a different direction. This may be the simpler, easier answer. Because they both achieved long-lasting relationships, with Leo and Vince, where those characters realistically need to be dealt with, preferably seen, but who knows if those actors would want to. Hopefully, but I don't know if they've publicly said before.
I was fine with the alternate reality for the Vote Honey video, because it was essentially just part of a campaign. But for an actual new season, a retcon just wouldn't sit well with me personally. I have my issues with the Finale, but I'm a big fan of continuity and would hate if they changed anything too drastically. But at the end of the day, I would just be happy to have this show back at all 😁
They will do what every sitcom before them did - retcon. It's not a drama, it's comedy for pete's sake. And 99% of viewers hated that finale and would be glad to pretend it never happened. Retconning shows is a great thing. Dallas did it, Absolutely Fabulous did it, Roseanne did it. It's normal thing. And continuity was never one of high priorities on W&G.
It's not really up to the viewers, it's up to the writers. I've never seen any of the shows you mentioned, so I'm not familiar with the process of a successful retcon. It seems to me that erasing a chunk of the show's narrative just for a revival would seem kind of confusing. I'm not sure where you got the statistics of 99% of people hating it - to my memory, most people had mixed feelings. I hated the Finale once, and I grew to accept it and even love it a little. That being said, I could easily be wrong. I trust the writers/producers completely.
I have my theories, good ones I think, but I'm just the viewer, and viewer opinions usually fall on deaf ears.
But ANYway...
First, abandon the format we know and bring them into the now. A'la Modern Family/scripted reality format. No studio audience, no sound stage, no laugh track, no music score. On location. In one home Will/Vince (or current other husband). #2: Grace/Leo (or current husband), and #3: Lila & Ben. #4: Jack & Karen. All with the assorted things their lives might occupy (kids, grown kids, pets, family cameos (thinking original support cast).
I actually think this is worth pitching to the producers. The novelty of the sitcom has pretty much worn off, this would really help bring it into the modern age.
I love your idea artguylarry but I have a few issues with it.
1. Ben and Lila would only be around 10 years old now. they don't meet in college until around 2024. So this idea would have to be set in the future.
2. I don't think it will feel like the same show. It's not enough to just have the actors and the crew, imho. Some of my favourite episodes of WaG are bottle episodes like the one that takes place in Karen's bathroom. This show is at it's best when all the actors are together and working off each other, I think.
technically, it is never actually mentioned that they didn't speak for 18 years. All we know is that a) They were estranged for a long time and b) their kids didn't meet until college. I'm sure that the writers wrote it as if they hadn't spoken in 18 years, but I'm just saying there's a potential loophole.
Just ignore the flash forward in the finale and pick up the series in current time.
They can get away with it. They brought Stan back from the dead even though he supposedly died during sex and was dead on top of Lorraine Finster (Minnie Driver) for two days.
Was it stated in the Finale they hadn't spoke for the entire 20 years? Maybe they'll retcon it so they reconnected halfway through that time, and then fell out again?
They could also pretend that that whole future thing we saw in the end of the series finale was a joint dream Will & Grace had, and made sure that didn't happen, so they did remain friends afterall and the new short season can easily be set in the right timeline in current time
They could also pretend that that whole future thing we saw in the end of the series finale was a joint dream Will & Grace had, and made sure that didn't happen, so they did remain friends afterall and the new short season can easily be set in the right timeline in current time