I took that smile to mean that she's in the clear. Because if Hannah opens her mouth about the original Charlie being dead, she has to explain the "new" Charlie. So Simmons has Hannah "over a barrel" (as it were). Simmons figures she's safe. And, BTW, with Billy being reported dead, his grandmother can't try to grab him again, so that takes care of that threat for Hannah, too. I don't think Hannah's too worried about Billy not being able to claim his birthright - he'll be reared in similar "wealthy" circumstances.
I seriously doubt that Hannah will/would get involved with another man. Normally, people in service didn't marry. Someone in a previous post mentioned the country girl marrying the butler. I suppose that has happened in real life, but I doubt it happened often, because usually the woman would have to leave service. Most homes didn't have rooms for married couples. The quarters for the staff were for single males and single females (and usually with a locked door in between). (Anna and Mr. Bates of Downton Abbey are VERY lucky that they're given a separate little house on the estate.)
Besides that, if you have a young servant girl who's married, she's more likely to become pregnant. Then what happens to them all? I think marriage was not only discouraged, it was frowned upon - especially for the younger servants (maybe not as much for the over-40 crowd).
As for my own ending... I'd love to see Simmons hang for the deaths of the two children. She was a *itch... and needed to pay for her wrongdoings. (No, I don't think she was so stupid that they could be called "accidents" - at least, not the second time around. Don't forget, she was also a thief - having stolen and hocked that silver baby cup.)
I'd like to see Mattie and Ned leave the country - bound for Australia or somewhere else.