those 'trance' films
Personally, I'm getting really getting really sick of films like Eternity and a day winning big things like the Palme D'Or and then when you watch them are absolutely boring. The excuse used to defend such films are that it's a meditation, or a film that's suppose to put you in a trance. That's fair enough, but when a film like this wins things like the Palme D'Or over Life is Beautiful, which got the Grand Jury Prize, it makes me angry, Eternity and a Day isn't a bad film, but Life is Beautiful is so much better and so much more was put into it, such films don't rely on time consuming shots. I thought that if this beat Life is Beautiful, surely this must be a great film, but its simply not. Same can be said for Taste of Cherry, which won the Palme D'Or for the year before, thats was incredibly boring also! I haven't checked out which films it won over but I'd say it would fall into the category of 'trance' films like Eternity and Day, even The Return was too trance-like, and that won venice. I hope Ulysses' Gaze isn't as boring.
God bless you