This was crap Spoiler

Seiously I wanted to give this one the benefit of the doubt....

But when there's a killer clown on the loose and your boyfriend takes the time to put on clown make up to fight him, you know its gone beyond the realms of crap.

Wow....must be Burt Reynolds or something.


get a life. its a horror movie

Born free, Live free...


What???? So, horror movies are supposed to be crap?

Sometimes, baby bison die.


This was not crap, it was a very entertaining slasher with a bad ass killer. It has a great creepy setting, and Giallo like directing.

I really like it!


Well, there's no accounting for taste. I thought this movie was senseless, and boring. The idea was perfect for a slasher movie, but the writing just wasn't up to it. The movie was also tragically underbudgeted.

Sometimes, baby bison die.


You think this was underbudgeted? I thought it had a solid budget and looked great.

I never thought it was boring either.


We're going to have to agree to disagree.

Sometimes, baby bison die.


Wellllll, I'm afraid that I'm gonna hafta just disagree with BOTH of you! (figure THAT out...)

(and baby bison do NOT die, they become yummy little patties... )

I have over 5000 films, many of them very rare and OOP. I LOVE to trade. PLEASE ASK!


People are just too damned picky!! For a millenium-era slasher it was pretty good. It was a little slow, but the killer was creepy, and the acting was very well done. I have seen a lot worse!!

Meat's meat, and man's gotta eat!!

