Just out of curiosity...

Was the N'Sync song written to promote the movie or did they just buy the rights to use it in the end credits?

I call movies that are considered 'bad' hated movies.


It is a seperate song that came off of N'Syncs second album I believe. The movie just used to it. It was definitely not written for the movie. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays!!


Thank You!

I call movies that are considered 'bad' hated movies.


It was written by future Justin timberlake to sway biel over the next decade into marrying him.


It was written by future Justin timberlake to sway biel over the next decade into marrying him.

Now they have a child together and they make a good couple - which is more than I can say for this movie as there wasn't really any chemistry between her and Jonathan Taylor Thomas. I still like this movie though.

