Not that I have ever attended college so I don't know what being a college student would be like, but I would bet or even guess is that they filmed the movie was at a High School, since if I am right Palisades Academy is a fictional college. And I am not sure if they were trying to reference Jonathan Taylor Thomas' earlier movie Man of the House, since in the very beginning of this movie, they show lockers with his room mate, being stuffed in his locker, and shouting out his locker combo, and Jonathan Taylor Thomas opening using the numbers, just like he did in another scene for Man of the House in which again he does the same thing, but this boy was of course was younger, and he asked him for the combo for his locker. I am not sure if the filmmakers didn't catch that colleges would have lockers, or at least bigger ones. And we also don't know if this is supposed to be a bigger or smaller campus.