
I had never seen Rebecca or Matthew Pidgeon in anything before and was surprised to see they are from the United States. Their accents in this film seemed authentic to me. Is there anyone from England out there who would comment on how they sounded to you?


Their parents are English. Their father was working at MIT when they were born.


Ah, that explains it. Thanks for the info cinnamonswirl.


I thought she lived most of her life in Australia?


I couldn't tell with Matthew, but I could with Rebecca - at first I thought this was a Henry James adaptation with people playing European-educated Americans. She did very well though, she almost did nail the rounded, well-to-do drawl.


Colin Stinton, who played Desmond, is also American. I found myself looking up all three of them during the film to see where they were from, as there were definite traces of non-English accents at various points. Generally, however, the accents were excellent, and I don't think most people would have noticed.

I'm just a bit obsessed with linguistics, accents, that sort of thing.

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Although Rebecca Pidgeon was born in the USA I have always regarded her as a British actress and given her parents were British and she did her early acting work in the UK rather proves the point.

Its that man again!!


Rebecca Pidgeon's natural speaking voice sounds more American (though that could have developed over years living in the States), but since her parents were British it would make sense that she could do an English accent without difficulty.

I'm afraid that you underestimate the number of subjects in which I take an interest!
