Aborted sequel?

I was looking this up on the US Copyright Office website, and I ended up getting not only this movie, but I found out that Robert Scott wrote a sequel in '93 called "The Video Dead 2: Your Mama's a Zombie". Check it out:

3. Registration Number: PAu-1-741-766
Title: The Video Dead II : Your mama's a zombie]
Description: 102 p.
Note: Screenplay.
Claimant: acRobert Scott , 1958-
Created: 1993
Registered: 3May93
Special Codes: 3/D

It doesn't say whether or not the script (or the first film) is public domain.


If you find out any thing else on this please let me know, the originals a classic!


this movies a killer zombie flick, but a sequel woulda hadda be done in 87 as well or 88 or 89

zombie films from the 90's and 21ts century just really dont work....


The first "Video Dead" isn't public domain, the only way that can really happen is whomever owns the rights to it lets them expire but for a film that's merely 20 years old - I don't think that will happen.

I believe MGM may actually own this film. They seem to have acquired many of Embassy's library but honestly, I can't picture them releasing this. I could however see a company like Blue Underground or Synapse Films releasing it.

Maybe a letter expressing the fans' interest to either or both companies would be something to consider? If a studio like MGM owns it, either of those companies may be able to purchase it from them.


Code Red DVD would be another good candidate, after all they released Don't Go In The Woods...

My head hurts, my teeth itch, my feet stink, and I don't love Jesus.


Code Red is releasing The Mutilator some time this year.
