Both are black and white film noirs/thrillers from 1998. both are debut films from acclaimed directors today. which is the better film. these are my grades for the two films
Pi was a good movie in a weird sorta way. Just the whole feel of it was what made it good. The plot of Following is much better, but it lacks the atmosphere that Pi has. The fact that they're both B&W doesn't really do much for me. I find it hard to compare the 2, really. They're both good in their own way, I'd probably rate Following slightly better than Pi.
For me its really a toss up they are both pretty good but i think the directing of Nolan is awesome, but thats mainly based on what he has done since following. The thing that keeps me from ever really enjoying Following is the horrible acting. Where as pi's acting is pretty good.
I'm completely with the previous poster, the acting is diabolically lame in Following and, along with the unneccessary use of too much swearing, makes the film incredibly irritating. To me, it has a really nauseating wannabe trendy, student feel to it. A long way fromt he masterpiece that some people proclaim it, even if the narrative structure and noir appearance are interesting. Pi isn't perfect, but it's much more interesting in terms of subject matter and atmosphere.
I found the acting in Following to be a little scripted and even wooden (the blonde, especially). Pi has pretty good acting. But Pi didnt achieve closure the way Following did. I mean, there were a lot of things going on in Pi which hinted at being tied up nicely together, but never did. Aronofsky tends to do that in his movies (he does this in Fountain too). It maybe his style but I personally feel it is fun to make endings that tie up rather than end them with emotion, etc leaving the rest. In that way, Nolan's movies have the sting of a mathematical expression. EVERYTHING seems to fit. (atleast to me!) So, Following ROCKS!
..What I do know is that I remember moments from Pi... IMages were much more vivd and striking and memorable!
The drill in the head The idea of looking into the sun as a kid The Snorri-cam shots in Chinatown The spirals in the coffee The scary black woman The scary old man on the train
Come to think of it, I remember loads about Pi.
With Following, although I liked it when I first saw it, I dont remember much about it.
I liked Following alot, especially that anxious, tense vibe it gives off. Along with the twisting and turning of the story. But Pi is one of my all time favorites. So much thought provoking material in the movie, it blew my mind. [SPOILER ALERT!!!!!] Just how anyone that comes close to actually figuring out the 'code' gets sick or even dies. Like Sol's stroke and death, Max's headaches and the times they take place, along with his eventual suicide/lobotomy/hallucination/mental damage at the end(drill part)
Following was fun to watch as a window into Nolan as a developing director. But as a stand-alone movie, it seemed a bit thin.
Pi was experienced as a full-fledged-film, whereas Following felt like a student-film: an experiment into plot-twist/chronology-bending that becomes a masterpiece in Memento.
For first-time, zero-budget, movies along the same esoteric-science lines as Pi, then "Primer" is a good movie to look up (warning, it's not in black & white).
Pi is more stylish and memorable (though I don't like it all that much), but Following is easier to watch and keeps your attention. Pi was probably too smart for its own good.
You fight like a dairy farmer. How appropriate. Cue my username.
I think Pi has a better "first B&W Indie film" feel to it. Both are about equally confusing the first time around, but Pi has a more interesting protagonist, a more thought-provoking story, and an awesome soundtrack.
Both are very different films, and great in their own way, but I think Pi comes out ahead.
I think Requiem for a Dream barely beats out Memento as well. Come to think of it, both directors are rather similar with their first two movies. And Darren Aronofsky was originally slated to do the Batman reboot. He turned down the Robocop reboot too. I'm still holding out hope he'll break through into the mainstream.
To be fair, Pi's budget was 10 times bigger than Following. Given Following was filmed on a $6,000 budget, I'd say that Nolan did very well with what he had.
I would have to go with Pi, just because of how cerebral it actually is. Both films are stunning, and both mark the beginnings for two amazing directors. Great question by the way.