Didn't like it

I'm no Christopher Nolan fan, and this movie doesn't change that. The actual idea of "following" complete strangers is quite intriguing, but the movie doesn't bother to explore it after the first couple of minutes. Also, as usual, all the typical Christopher Nolan twists and turns get a bit tiresome, and at times really quite far-fetched. It's also a very dull and drawn out movie despite it's 69 minute run time. I rate this one a 3/10.

Formally known as Coilector


I'm a Nolan fan, but have to agree, I didn't like this film. But I am amazed he managed to shoot this film in under $7,000

Silly Christian, myths are for kids!


I'm no Christopher Nolan fan, and

Hi five, brother, I didn't think Christopher Nolan non-fans existed. Certainly not in IMDb-land, anyway.

I was definitely kinder in my rating of "Following" though (rated it a '6').

There seem to be an inordinate amount of Chris Nolan "fanboys".

I saw Memento first, thought it was pretty good - not quite as good as I expected due to all the folks raving about it on IMDb.

Then saw Insomnia. Completely forgettable. Don't think I liked it that much when I saw it. But as I said, I forgot it.

HORRIBLY disappointed in Inception (moreso than just about any movie I've ever seen).

Now seen Following, because I was curious about this "magical mystique" of Chris Nolan. Okay movie. Better than Inception and Pi (but that's faint praise).

On another board, an IMDber decided to ignore me because I dared like a movie he didn't.

Let's see what happens since I don't think Chris Nolan walks on water. Nothing wrong with liking him or this movie (as I said, not bad), but taste is individual.


I quite agree. I thought the beginning was quite good and it could have been quite a brilliant movie had it not become quite ridiculous half way through.
