That annoying accent

Now dont get me wrong, i come from Yorkshire myself, but does anybody else find Sally Boothes accent annoying?

I turned out to be such a damsel in distress....MonAsaX


No not really. I'm quite sad at what happened on sunday though with the fire. I really will miss her, it's like when Peggy died, I was quite sad.


Yeah that was sad... I'll miss her too, but on the other hand her accent was kind of annoying, she always seemed to leave out the word 'the' <_<


Well, worry not, you won't have to put up with it no more. Sally died last season in the course of rescuing her grand daughter from a fire in her home. I didn't notice the accent. All that caught my attention was Sally was played by Samantha Giles, who played Narky Nicola's big sister in Emmerdale. All things considered, I'd like to see Sam come back to ITV's second-biggest show.



Her accent always reminded me of someone quite uppercrust trying to sound like a normal yorkshire person.

"Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads!"


I think that's because it's what she was. I'm pretty sure i've heard her interviewed and she isn't broad Yorkshire in real life.
