The show has no value, educational or just plain humor. The Voice-actings are horrible, the plots stink, but everything is stupid in this show, and not in the good way.
My Reasons To Hate It:
1. It's replacing Rocko's Modern Life!
2. All the respect Pelswick got is going to this.
3. All CatDog fans are alright, Rocko's Modern Life, Mr. Meaty and every hater of this show.
4. It's stupid
5. They are SOOOOOOOOO steriotypical. (e.g, Evil Rabbits-Bull-Dogs who want to be Evil "Gah!", 4kids tv Fans/Squrriels being Evil, etc.)
I hate this show and all it's Cow & Chicken [also sucks and Bevis & Butt-head[dosn't suck] rip-offs should be burned and buried into a 10 foot deep hole and burned by Azula and buried by Toph, for more of a symbolic purpose. The safe the ashes are locked in should have the key destroyed by Mr. Meaty's Burger Ray and the videos with even a frame of Chalkzone on it should be destroyed.
If you like Chalkzone, you hate me and Rocko. Simple