Some of these reviewers are pretty harsh...relax, its just a show on Nickelodeon, no need to get your boxers in a bunch.
Some of these reviewers are pretty harsh...relax, its just a show on Nickelodeon, no need to get your boxers in a bunch.
Relax??? The show obviously promotes xenophobia and bigotry. Basically, a cat and dog are conjoined brothers berrated by Winslow, the Greaser Dogs, and Rancid. Winslow is always talking about how CatDog are ugly freaks. The Greaser Dogs beat the living crap out of CatDog simply because of their conjoined nature. Rancid always has a stick up his ass. I mean, come on. Who needs a thousand rules for a city pool (no diving, yet there's a diving board; no thinking, even though thinking comes natural if you're, well, ALIVE!!!!; no splashing, which will happen no matter what)? And whatabout when CD worked at the cereal factory? Prize stuffers get gourmet food and box lickers get salt. Salt dries a person up. Then they cannot lick boxes. And the Greaser Dogs are the worse. Cliff is a complete *beep* who hates CD simply because they consider them freaks. CatDog are not freaks. For all we know, they are probably an endangered species, or maybe saviors from the stars. Then there's Shriek. She despises Cat, who kinda has a crush on her, but loves Dog, who has no interest in them. And Lube, he's obviously mentally handicapped. And yet the Greasers make fun of him, as do others. And how come every episode involves either Cat or both Cat and Dog, yet never just Dog, in serious peril or duress?
shareAnd that is why I love this show so much.
Trust me, kids don't want to see happy rainbows and unicorns on every show.
"Give her hell from us, Peeves"
Occlumency, anyone?
I love Sirius
So that's a good reason to condone bigotry?
There are times that I wonder about cartoons, they seem to manage to push the adult references. They only ever get away with it with cleaver wording, and the fact kids who watch these shows wouldn't pay much attention to them.
Bigotry is never condoned nor accepted, but people liked the show, and that's fine, doesn't mean they condone the comments made on the show.
OMG you are totally missing the point of the lessons of the show.
It's not in anyway condoning or glorifying bigotry or bullying in any way shape or form.
The cartoon is more realistic, because like it or not, right or wrong there will always be bigots and people that are cruel to others that are different than the social norm. This cartoon is a total attack on America's obsession with beauty and perfection. This obsession over blemish free, and fat free perfection has gotten so ridiculous that shows with plastic surgery are considered normal entertainment now.
I feel bad for what CatDog and other underdog type of characters go through, but that's reality. But what makes this cartoon so awesome is that CatDog NEVER gives up. They continue to live and be themselves. They stick together as brothers no matter how different they are from eachother, their love is unconditional.
since CatDog are the stars of the show and also the picked on underdogs, it allows the viewers to see the less popular or outcast's point of view, rather than the prom king's or head cheerleader point of view all the time.
Yes Rancid is mean: just like your typical money loving republican ass,
the greasers: classic playground bullies that pick on something that's different than them, to cover their own weaknesses
winslow: jealous! He was simply jealous of the bond that CatDog had and would mess with them trying to get them to fight. Sounds just like that jealous friend that always feels like a third wheel.
Overall CatDog is just full of social commentary and satire.
...the earth is doomed...
Now that you gave all those points, I totally agree with you. I was a kid when this show first came out and I absolutely loved it! I wished it could have been as successful as Spongebob. It was such a good, underrated show.
Don't worry be happy
"For all we know, they are probably an endangered species, or maybe saviors from the stars."
WHAT?!!! 'an endangered species? SInce when has a cat and a dog ever been joined together for real? Idiot. They are freaks. And thats what so great about the show!
wow, if you're so uptight about it, go and complain to CAPAlert.com. It's just a kid show for God's sake. I think you're reading into this too much.
"The Greaser Dogs beat the living crap out of CatDog simply because of their conjoined nature."
did you ever think the Greasers hated them? and for such a serious reason?
"Who needs a thousand rules for a city pool (no diving, yet there's a diving board; no thinking, even though thinking comes natural if you're, well, ALIVE!!!!; no splashing, which will happen no matter what)?"
are you SERIOUS?! The reason they have 100 pool rules is WHY IT'S FUNNY!
"Cliff is a complete *beep* who hates CD simply because they consider them freaks. CatDog are not freaks. For all we know, they are probably an endangered species, or maybe saviors from the stars. Then there's Shriek. She despises Cat, who kinda has a crush on her, but loves Dog, who has no interest in them. And Lube, he's obviously mentally handicapped. And yet the Greasers make fun of him, as do others. "
Saviors from the STARS? ENDANGERED SPECIES? You've got to be joking. Shreik hates Cat because HE IS A CAT! You don't see a cat being in love with a dog in a lot of cartoons. And Lube is funny because he is DUMB! He is NOT HANDICAPPED WHATSOEVER!
MastuhBlue1986's post is from 2006, but I just gotta say, his post is hilarious!!
Relax??? The show obviously promotes xenophobia and bigotry.Bah ha ha ha! That's so silly!
CatDog are not freaks. For all we know, they are probably an endangered species, or maybe saviors from the stars.LOL oh dear god it's FUNNY. Someone's taking a cartoon waaaaaaaaay too seriously! Wow. For someone who hates the show so badly, he sure knows a lot about the show. Man, I needed a good chuckle. It's mind-boggling that some people actually really think like this...funny yet kinda scary, at the same time...
I watched this show as a kid. Bigotry never even clicked in my childhood brain, nor did this show turn me into a bigot. Dog was never in peril because he doesn't take anything that serious, Cat takes everything serious so he is always in 'peril' about something. I can't believe people actually read into shows like you have. Thank you for pointing out how serious all those pool rules were meant to be taken. You talk about CatDog as if you have no filter as to what's reality and what is fake (even when it is a cartoon!) "For all we know, they are probably an endangered species" I know CatDog isn't an endangered species because it's a cartoon, and they do not exist in reality. I mean even my prepubescent mind at the time of watching this understood that nothing on the show was to be taken seriously. I don't know how anyone older than me could have trouble understanding such a simple concept.
I'm guessing that you think The Rugrats promotes negligent parenting. The Wild Thornberry's taught kids that going and playing with a wild chimpanzee is going to lead to a lifelong friendship and not an inevitable death. Angry Beavers promotes anger...etc...