Obedience vs. Loyalty

I think this will clear up any confusion about the 'flair' - I found a way to possibly expain it in simple terms.

It's all about Loyalty that the manager and the corporation wants to the employees to have.

If you do exactly what you are told, but NOTHING more, nothing 'extra', that's just surface obedience. Anyone can do it without having their heart or soul into it.

However, if you start doing the 'hinted at' things, that no one specifically told you to do, you have more than just surface obedience that any Ryan the temp can muster - you have loyalty.

The manager wants to turn just the regular surface obedience into a deeper loyalty, where you voluntarily do more for the corporation than you are asked to do. This can easily spill into 'unpaid work' the corporation can profit from, but also means you are taking the corporation's side at any dispute and so on.

It also means you will be more controllable, more afraid to lose your job, more invested, easier to boss around and so on. If you look at the weirdo that voluntarily wears more flair than asked, you see a successfully brainwashed loyal worker drone, it's not enough to just be 'obedient worker', you have to put your whole self into it, and become LOYAL to the corporation.

'Expressing yourself' means 'expressing your LOYALTY' to the corporation, and you are offered an easy way to do this - just wear more flair to please your 'superiors'.

So wearing 15 pieces is just 'direct, superficial obedience', whereas wearing more is basically proof that you are actually more obedient than that - you are actually loyal.

Surface obedience only brings your body and part of your mind into the workplace - loyalty brings your whole self.

THAT is what the flair is all about - turning a 'I will do it because I am told' -surface obedience into 'I will do what the corporation needs because I feel obligated to do everything I can and more'-loyalty.

It's all about obedience vs. loyalty. Any worker drone can obey, but only a loyal one has your back.


Get a fucking life you loser.


