Top Ten Lessons of the Children of the Corn Marathon...
1. Radio stations in Nebraska exclusively broadcast fire-and-brimstone preachers.
2. Black Amish hats are always in fashion.
3. If you hear voices chanting in Latin or singing "Bringing in the Sheaves," something terrible is about to happen.
4. Any religion that requires its adherents to die at eighteen hasn't really thought through the fund-raising implications.
5. Scythes are underrated weapons of mass destruction.
6. Never take the "scenic route."
7. The cop is probably in on it. But if not, he'll be dead in five minutes.
8. There is no greater indignity than death by corncob. Particularly at the hands of an eight-year-old.
9. "Based on the story by Stephen King" is a phrase with no meaning.
10. Corn still isn't scary. Creamed corn, on the other hand...
Referenced from "Stephen King Films FAQ" by Scott Von Doviak