The movie plot

the movie was kinda dumb.And penelpoe cruz was in the video cover and wasn't really a cast member.She was,but you saw more people then her.Why didn't the other more seen charactars be on the cover. You only see them.Even though this topic is stupid, cut me some slack!This is my first topic.Also,I liked Penèlope Cruz in Vanilla Sky.


The book was very good. I never saw the movie, but I don't think the book could have translated well into a movie.

"When I die you can eat my brain, it will give you power". -Duke Phillips, "The Critic"


I don't think a cover has to have the most seen stars on it. I think a cover has to represent what the movie is about, or it has to try to make you wanna see the movie, if you get my point.

I agree with you, I would have made another cover, this one makes ATPH seem like a romantic movie, which I think it is absolutely not.
But Penelope Cruz and Matt Damon are two important characters in the storyline and I guess that's why they put them on the cover.. And well let's face it, they're both attractive and they might make people wanna see the movie.

I saw it because of Lucas Black, but that's another story :)


