I'll have to say I was dissapointed in this film, but am holding my judgement until I can see the directors cut. I did however think that 'the crossing' was a better story and have always waited for a movie to be made....I was thinking Gus Van Sant
Film is about language..parents just don't understand.
I partially agree that "The Crossing" was a better story -- at least the first half. After the wolf is taken from the boy and made to do combat to the death with killer dogs, then the story seemed to wander off into a lot of waxing eloquent philosophy, which is something Cormac McCarthy loves to do. There was some of that in Pretty Horses, but not as much, and Pretty Horses was a more complete book. It didn't hurt that it was McCarthy's most popular book and won a National Book Award. The Crossing would be a very difficult movie to make, IMO, though maybe Gus could pull it off. The third volume of the trilogy, Cities of the Plain, which unites John Grady Cole and Billy Parham, the protaginist of Crossing, is, among other things, a tragic love story, like Horses. I believe it would lend itself to cinema more so that Crossing. Alas, we'll probably never see either on the big screen.
On another note, McCarthy's later novel, No Country for Old Men, has been made into a movie, but has not yet been released. I can't wait.