i am surprised at how good the writing is. there's mini dilemas all down the way, at every moment, each thing that passes leads to an new loose end or problem/circumstance.
as you can see, i chose a new subject line. because it just dawned on me this one could be a better title.
or i coulda said, "what a difference a decade makes"
...because i saw this one in the theater in 2000 and was fairly bored by it, but just caught it on tv today and was totally riveted. it had everything in place, and in order and paced well, all the right elements. you could say it's firing on all cylinders
the fact that i loved it the second time says more about the changes in me, since the film is no different.
i think as a viewer i am more tuned in to good theme in writing, the char's inner journey, that sort of stuff. this one had one helluva arc, one helluva arc.
the tragic portions were sincerely, severely heart wrenching; another thing i wonder why i wasn't more affected by in 2000. the story of the kid was excellent, and he damn near stole the movie from everyone else. (then the old guy at the end)
they even made bruce dern likeable, which i didn't think was possible.
Yes a decade will make all the difference in the world. Cinema has changed drastically in the last decade. Plot and story are sacrificed for laughs and action. It makes you appreciate the art of story telling even more. I like my share of action and comedies but I still love a good old fashioned story every now and again. Although I must say, even after a decade Cruz and Damon still don't have much sizzle. But overall the movie is much better than given credit for.
Honestly, this movie bored me to death then and I'm still able to use it as a sleep aid. The thought of there being a possible 4 hour cut out there is insane. The book's not even that long!