I've never been in a Mexican jail but I doubt very much that the uniform consists of concentration camp pyjamas. Not one scene appears to have been filmed in Mexico and the sets are as phoney as can be. Utter drivel and waste of fine actors.
Tell you what Zena. Why don't you invent a time machine, travel back to Mexico when this takes place, kill someone, get arrested by the Mexican authorities and tell us if the pajamas were worn.
I don't know if that was what Mexican prisoners wore during that time period, but I do know that those scenes were not shot in Mexico. They were shot at the old Santa Fe penitentary in New Mexico. How do I know? I was one of the extras that played a prisoner.
The prison they used was closed down in the early 1980's after a massive riot took place there. Lots of people got brutally killed. If you were a rat you had such things done to you like getting your head cut off or your eyes burned with a blow torch. The riot in "Natural Born Killers" reminds me of the riot that occured there.
Lmfao. Good 1 fire dragon. Well - this movie is based on a book - and it is very damn close to the book. If you read the book you will see that the only notable differences are that scenes from the book are cut out of it. The book gives you the same representation of a Mexican jail in the 1940s. I think it's a realistic interpretation, I mean, the Mexican revolution had just ended, or was going to or something. The systems were corrupt and the captain guy even told him (John Grady/Matt Damon) to get money and bribe the guards to let him out. But he didn't want to so he had to do it the hard way. *Shuts uP* Okay I'll stop now, just that I'm studying this movie and the book for Literature and I really love it.
Actually that paticular style of prison uniform was used pretty regulary at that time throughout the world. It wasn't just in German concentration camps. And in all reality many modern day prisons still use a style of uniform very similar to that. The county jail in the county I live in uses a uniform that is almost identical, but the stripes are hunter's neon orange not black for obvious reasons of detection if a prisoner happens to escape, they can be easily located. ( And no, I have never been in jail/prison nor even arrested, that isn't how I know what the uniforms look like LOL. I used to work for a psycharitc hospital and some of the prisoners came to the facilty I worked at for evaluation with the psychartrists, many still in prison uniform)
Striped pajama-style unforms were used pretty widely, actually. It's a universal style-- see a guy in wide stripes, he stands out, he's an escaped prisoner, just like they use orange jumpsuits now. Why would you doubt that Mexican prisons didn't use them? Because you've only seen them in a couple of cheesy holocaust movies? Your ignorance is showing.
The worst I could say is that they had ‘Hallmark Films’ look, you know that clean diet look. You know in some films cloths look naturally dirty they almost smell bad (thinking of The Good The Bad and the Ugly) that what I wanted in the prison scenes.
Malco: I might put him in the top 50 of all living american film actors ... might. One of us needs 2 see alot more movies. Then again maybe I just need 2 take a nap.
Ever been to Utah? Ra-di-a-tion. Yes, indeed. --J. Frank Parnell
I believe they wore those same kind of grey-striped uniforms in the movie "Papillon" with Steve McQueen and Dustin Hoffman. That story took place in a French penal colony in French Guiana, South America, in the early 1930's, and so I think these uniforms were in use long before Nazi concentration camps used them as their particular prisoner fashion statement. Also, I think if you look at some old vintage American movies from around the turn of the century, you will even see American prisoners bedecked in similar grey and white "wide-stripes."
I did however notice that Matt Damon's character seemed to have access to more "nice" clothing than seemed possible for a guy who was sort of an itinerant cowboy...
Actually ALL prison uniforms are pajamas and are the ones they wear, 24/7. The prisoners wear them at night, too, so there's no need to have them all change clothes. And I heard the food in Mexican jails in the 40's was SUPERB~all the chile rellenos you can eat! 'You can't HANDLE the truth!'
You spell pajamas funny. Are you british, or otherwise european? And are you intimately familiar with the landscapes of mexico? I've seen the rocky mountains from a distance, but never climbed any of 'em. You could film a movie there and tell me it's set in the andes, or the alps, and I wouldn't know enough to put up a reasonable argument...
"Cinema was made for fantasy, rather than normal types of stories." - Ray Harryhausen