I don't get it

I love UK copper shows, Lewis, Vera, Midsommer, Frost.......but this one just doesn't strike the same chord with me. They don't seem to be very good investigators, stuff seems just to fall in their laps. And I don't understand why people find the Dalziel character so entertaining.

To each his own I guess.


He is rather crude, and that side of him I did not find entertaining. I think perhaps what kept me coming back were the literary allusions. I loved that this show had two intelligent, educated, investigators. And though many people disliked Mrs. Pascoe, I really enjoyed her in the beginning.


This guy takes after Morse.....involved at some point with half the females suspects, or their families, or something.


So I skipped to the later episodes...season 9 on, and Warren Clarke has done an amazing job transforming and developing the character. I'm really impressed.....not quite Frost, but pretty darn good.


Agreed about Warren Clarke (RIP).

However, I never liked Frost.


Mr. Editor,

Why do you not like Frost? I'm not one of the vitriolic nuts you sometimes find here......I'm genuinely curious?


I'd be happy to oblige, but I tried it and dropped it so long ago that I cannot recall what it was in particular that I disliked.


Mr. Editor. Well for me, it was very much like. a US show called Colombo....crude, I'll-mannered, rumpled clothes, but very bright, and he did as well as he did because people judged him on by the first rumpled, confused impression he gave.

It was a good show, so maybe I like Frosr because of Colombo


I don't know. I loved Colombo too.


Okay, talking to myself here, but A Sweeter Lazurus is a lovely piece of writing....great twists and turns.......my favorite kind of copper story.....reminiscent of Lewis and Midsommer (in the earlier seasons)


No you're not talking to yourself I'm here :} but my favorite episode is Foreign Bodies (circa 2000) and has a nostalgic, whimsical, dreamy feel about it. It's set in Whitby so has some references to Dracula, Jane Eyre and the windy moors. This episode convinced us to visit Whitby when we toured the UK a few years back.


I really enjoyed Foreign Bodies too. And the show has really grown on me. My problem is the only place I can find them is YouTube, and they aren't in any sort of order. So as I find them, I have to look up the episode here, read the plot summary, and try and remember if I've seen it or not.


No you're not talking to yourself I'm here :} but my favorite episode is Foreign Bodies (circa 2000) and has a nostalgic, whimsical, dreamy feel about it. It's set in Whitby so has some references to Dracula, Jane Eyre and the windy moors. This episode convinced us to visit Whitby when we toured the UK a few years back.


I've watched all of the UK cop/detective TV series, and I skipped Dalziel and Pascoe after the first episode. No problem with the dialect. . . .the episodes were just too long. Usually episodes are 45, 45 minutes or maybe an hour. D&P was 90 minutes, and there were just too many in the cast and it became confusing as to just who was who. Just sayin'
