Is it really the second best Batman series?
8.1 is pretty high. I had high hopes, it seems to be the second best Batman animated series. I haven't seen any others, this one was my initiation. Well, maybe just bits of TOS.
But I found it to be pretty difficult to sit through sometimes. It got off to an okay start with Terry going after Powers for vengeance. But after that episode that was it really. No more Powers, no more main story arc, just one cliched story after another, apart from a couple later episodes that revisit Powers and his son. So much for building those characters up only to be forgotten about.
By the fourth episode we get a completely overused plot in BB - the freakishly ugly highschool geek has had enough and snaps, becoming a super villain. If it wasn't one of the geeks, it was some other fellow student or jock. How many stories do we have to have that involve Terry's friggin classmates? What sort of school is this?!
Terry himself was okay, a bit of a stiff, void of much personality, but the voice acting was okay.
How about Heroes with "the terrific trio" and complete ripoff (homage apparently) of the Fantastic Four. That was awful.
Season 2 was worse though, apart from Earth Mover which was actually pretty good, feeling like an episode of The X-Files. But some of the later episodes were pure late night 1980's trash, like Rats, Terry's Friend Dates a Robot, Eggbaby, Sentries of the Last Cosmos. I'm only up to the third episode of season 3, but I'm looking forward to this to being over soon.
It's certainly doesn't hold a candle to many of Marvel's cartoon series. Animation is very average as well.
Is it really the second best Batman series? It's going to be tough sitting through the others if it is. Bring me some anime any day.