MovieChat Forums > Batman Beyond (1999) Discussion > So are all the old villains dead?

So are all the old villains dead?

I just started watching the show and thats my assumption going by all the items in Waynes cave. I know the Joker is still around due to the movie, even though im not sure how that works yet.

Are there any old villains still around? Also, what has come of the 2 other side kicks or is that explained eventually? Barbara is the Comissioner and thats all i know so far.


Bane is still around. So is Mr. Freeze. What happens with Robin is explained in Return of the Joker. Dick is still around but never explained what he's up to.

See you in another life, brother.


I figured Freeze would be alive still since he doesnt age (i believe). Does Clayface age? Id figure he wouldnt but who knows. Inque (or Ink) pretty much replaced him.


Catwoman was around still, though we never got to see that cause Return of the Joker wasnt what they wanted finacially.



Dick is still around but never explained what he's up to.

Well, it's 50 years later for him, too. That, plus the fact that the Nightwing costume is on display next to the others of the Bat family in the Bat Cave, lead us to safely concluded that at some point, he hung up the tights, as well.


Here is what happened to the sidekicks.

Dick Grayson also retired after receiving multiple gunshots from the joker which is shown in the batman beyond comic: Hush Beyond and lost his right eye and now runs a school teaching gymnastics and acrobatics. The reason it happened was because Bruce hadn't worked with Dick for a while and they both went to try and save Alfred from the Joker to which Joker opened fire on Batman. When he used his cape to misdirect Joker's aim, the bullets ended up hitting Dick because Bruce forgot his rule about not to stand in front of your partner blocking their vision.

There is a future Catwoman as well from the same comic, but she doesn't have any relation to catwoman herself other than the name, but is the daughter of Danton Black aka Multiplex who had the ability to make numerous copies of himself, however his daughter is only able to make nine copies (get it? cause a cat has nine lives. -.-)

Tim Drake was also forced to stop being Robin after what happened to him in the Batman Beyond movie: Return of the Joker. He is a communications engineer if I remember correctly, or something similar to that effect where he works with satellites.



I am not entirely surprised they didn't because revealing the fate of the old villains in Batman Beyond would make a direct impact to the DCAU which would have made JL/JLU very uninteresting since you will know that no matter the crisis or scheme the villain will live through it since their fate gets established in Beyond which would take a lot of suspense out of the series as well as limit the writers due to continuity.

However they could have pulled the whole "back to the future 2" plot point with alternate future time line with the episode, "Once and Future Thing part 1&2". Since the end of the episode shows that both Batman and John Stewart both remember everything that had happened and thus can result with them changing future events, such as warhawk never becoming born, making Static shock a more active member since they now know how powerful he becomes in the future, Bruce recruiting Terry earlier in becoming the next Batman which could help prevent the death of Terry's father, basically a large number of things could become altered.

So who knows really, but I would love it if they did a new Batman Beyond series with adult Terry like they showed in "Epilogue" at the end of JLU season one.



True they never addressed what happened to Matt or the fact that he would also be the son of Bruce, but if they did a new series they could always address what happened to all his friends and family including if his mother was ever told about Terry's alter ego.

Granted I to share a hatred for the character Dana, but people have married their high school sweetheart so it wouldn't be a huge surprise that they would still be together and yet not married since she knows his secret and Terry stated why he didn't want to initially marry her.

Also if Terry wanted to start a family he could always pass the mantle to someone else and retire much like what the green hornet did in Kevin Smith's comic (although he also retired since he stopped all the crime lords but he also promised his wife he would settle down and be a father/husband and not green hornet) but that would be approximately 10-12 years down the line from when epilogue happened.

Or he could make them apart of the bat family much like what the current DC comic is doing with Bruce's son Damien or just keep them in the dark like you said and play off the drama of being an absent father and yet not being able to tell them why.

Either way Terry still wouldn't be able to force his children into becoming crime fighters if they didn't want to. Much like how Terry chose to be Batman.

Which is what made Epilogue a great episode for me since it asks if Terry becoming Batman was an unavoidable fate or was it a choice once he found out who his true father was. In the end after all the dialogue between Terry and Amanda the conclusion I made was that given Terry's genetics and having the mantle practically forced upon him through tragedy and the random encounter with Bruce he still choose to put on the suit and uphold the responsibility of being Batman which means he had a choice.

But I think we are striving too far from point of this thread >.>



I may be wrong but I think Ra's Al Ghul and Talia made an appearence in the series it was explained in several epsiodes of earlier btaman series he was made immortal due to the lazzarus pit. I Know bane did for a fact however he was much less threatening as he wa snow just an old wheelchair bound man. Also as it's been said Mr Freeze occasionally appeared. I think they could have used more of the old villains or gave flashbacks to how they died.


I'm sure Poison Ivy might be around since her body can cleanse Toxins, Infections, etc... so much that it could've probably extended her life.


It's tough to work with all the different continuities...


Joker basically "implants" his intelligence into someone else, the guy in the Return of the Joker movie isn't quite "the joker" as we know him, it's his intellect and so on implanted into the mind of Tim Drake. He gradually starts taking over his mind as the movie progresses...I was quite pleasantly surprised how well they pulled off bringing him back. Obviously it has a little techno-babble in there, but it's a convincing play on the theme.

It should also be noted that at the end of that movie we also get to see Harley Quinn, she comes to pick up her daughters (or is that grand daughters? Can't remember) from prison, Delia and Diedre (dee-dee), she was voiced by Melissa Joan Hart from "Clarissa Explains it All" and "Sabrina". Freeze shows up, but if I remember he isn't the "original" freeze, or rather he's the original freezes mind in a cloned body or something of the sort.

Bane is in it, but he's not exactly at his peak, his body has essentially kicked the bucket because of all the steroids, he's all emaciated, hooked up to machinery and unable to move or breathe for himself, someone is using his "venom" as a sort of steroid-like street drug, but I can't remember who.


I think that's about it, i could be missing a few because it's been three or four years since I've had a chance to watch this show, just re-watching it now and I'm on the second episode...I actually found myself wishing they gave some nod to Alfred, I assume he died of old age (he was already in his late 50's or 60's in the show, so it would make sense), but he was always a favorite character of mine and I'd have liked to have seen Bruce mention him.


"I have often laughed at weaklings
who thought themselves good because
they had no claws."



I'm watching through right now. I'm only in season 2 and Alfred's been mentioned a few times so far.

When Max tells Terry he better not call her Robin, he responds with "Okay... Alfred." to which she looks confused.

Bruce mentions missing him more than once.

When Barbara Gordon is over for tea in the episode where she thinks Terry murdered Mad Stan, they talk about how he learned to make tea from Alfred, but wishes he knew how to make the scones.


Yeah, that was a good animated movie IMO


They might not all be dead you know. Just retired and too old to be active any more. Harley was in the movie. She even moved on and had grand kids.


I still wonder how that all worked, Barbara said in Return of the Joker that they never found Harley's body yet she appears alive and well( well, well enough to be a pest to her granddaughters anyway), did she change her identity? I still find it kind of hard to believe that she would just fly under Bruce and Barbara's radar, being subtle isn't exactly a trait Harley has.

I have an unbelievably long ignore list.


Without the Joker, I'm sure Harley was able to calm down. Almost everything she ever did was just for him and his "love."

Straightedge means I'm better than you.


ME TOO! I wish they could have shown us more of what happened to Harley as she began her new life. im sure she survived without crashing..maybe she caught on to a side of a ledge waaaaay further down or something & then she went MIA after finding out joker was dead. Yeah Harley is a grandma lol, her granddaughters names are Delia & Deidra Dennis..and judging from those two (the "dee twins") maybe crazy runs in Harley's family?? I don't think Harley changed her identity, im sure her fall & jokers confirmed death are what brought back her sanity for good, and joker being dead along with tons of therapy, rehabilitation, crying, due time, harleen could finally resurface.




Joker - Killed off, which was shown in a flashback in Return of the Joker.

Harley Quinn - Reformed after Joker died, and is the grandmother of the Dee Dee twins. It's possible that the twins are actually Joker's granddaughters, as a scene in the comics, when Harley is talking to Black Canary, she admits to having a daughter whom she gave to her sister to raise since Joker was too busy with his "work" to be a proper father, and she couldn't bare to be away from her precious puddin'. This could be why the twins chose to follow Joker.

Talia and Ra's al Ghul - Talia sacrificed herself to allow her father to possess her body so he may live.

Clayface - Was implied to have been killed in an episode of Justice League (part of the Batman, Superman, etc continuity) after he was launched into space in a rocket, which exploded. He either died, or was blown to so many pieces that he could never reform.

Two-Face - Unknown. Was last seen in an episode of Batman where he completely snapped and developed a 3rd personality that may or may not have completely taken over both Two-Face and Harvey, or the 3 are constantly warring with each other in his head. He's likely still in Arkham as he no longer has the mental capacity to plan an escape.

Bane - Having lived on the Venom for so long, he's now immobile and living off a machine due to the Venom's side effects.

Mr. Freeze - He makes an appearance where he's seemingly returned to normal, but ends up reverting back. From what I remember, he dies at the end, or goes on the run. I don't remember, but I'm pretty sure he dies.

The Ventriloquist - The dummy is completely destroyed in an episode of Batman, but is seen somewhat restored in Batman's cave in Batman Beyond. The puppeteer was last seen making progress in rehab.

All other villains - Unknown. Were last seen arrested in Batman.


Batman/Bruce Wayne - Retired due to age. Is now Terry's mentor, assisting him from the Batcave.

Robin/Nightwing/Dick Grayson - Unknown, but is mentioned.

Robin/Tim Drake - Was captured and tortured into insanity by Joker and Harley, and implanted with a reprogramming chip containing Joker's personality, memories, and DNA, turning him into a Joker clone. Saved by Batman and Batgirl, but was no longer allowed to be Robin. Eventually settled down and started a family until the chip reactivated in Return of the Joker, turning him back into the Joker clone until Terry destroys it, restoring him to normal.

Batgirl/Barbara Gordon - Retired as Batgirl and now works as commissioner.

Alfred - Deceased. Mentioned only.

Catwoman/Selina Kyle - Her fate is unknown, but in an episode of Justice League (many years in the future) where Terry speaks to Bruce, he mentions that Selina "left" along with Dick and Barbara due to Bruce pushing everyone away. Some fans believe that she got pregnant with Bruce's child (Helena, who becomes grows up to become the hero Huntress), and so gave up being Catwoman, changed her name (to Irena Dubrovna), and fled Gotham to keep her daughter safe since people knew her identity.

Phantasm/Andrea Beaumont - Was revealed in an episode of Justice League (many years in the future) to be working for Amanda Waller. Was originally hired to kill Terry's parents to help shape his persona into one similar to Bruce's, but refused. Fate unknown after this.

Batwoman/Katherine Kane - Fate unknown. Was never mentioned outside of her movie.

Amanda Waller - Appeared in an episode of Justice League (many years in the future). Retired from her position. No longer at odd ends with Batman, and even admits the world needs a Batman. She helped shape Terry into who he is, even using DNA altering technology to make Terry biologically Bruce's son.

All other heroes - Fate unknown.


THX for the info! Will add to comments on fan page:

- - - -

- - Batman Homage


That's nothing... If anything I would like to see Terry go up against a new Two-Face because he's supposed to be unpredictable. I even i have a pic of what he would look like had the show lasted longer.


At the beginning of the series you don't know who is alive but there are some who pop up

Mr. Freeze is still alive and has his head transferred to another body (dies that episode), Bane is still alive though is a vegetable, Raja Gul lives on in Talia's body (gets presumably killed), Joker is alive through Tim Drake's body (dies when the chip in Drakes neck gets fried in the movie), Harley Quinn is still alive, Phantasm makes an Appearance in Epilogue though technically a different show its set in the same universe sometime after the series

Flaming doesn't help your point, it engulfs it in a wall of fire no one is going try to go through.


Well frankly there's a live action version of this as we speak. Mind you it's an alternate universe but it's good as far as i know.
