I'm a very open-minded guy, and no fan of Christianity, and I thought it was a totally pointless, exploitative scene, but then I loathe this movie generally. Apparently it was originally scripted as longer and more graphic? I seem to recall the mother masturbating the daughter in this bit as well as kissing, so goes to show how far they were going with it, not to push cinematic boundaries, but to draw attention with cheap sensationalism, IMO.
However, it seemed to me that with Udo Kier as the murdering Satanic-cultist husband and dad, that scene could represent what the family are like normally, not just under Satans' influence. Or it could easily be the daughter is not really theirs' biologically.
But regardless, it was just another bit of a trashy and trivial film about one of the most overrated, oversourced and overused mythologies ever: the Bible.