New Tomb Raider

As we all know now a Reboot on the tomb raider is been on its way.
What I want to say is that I personally have been a huge fan of the games since the beginning and I can't see anyone else other than Angelina as Lara croft.
Please consider having a third film with her. Remember that Hellboy 1 was with Sony and Hellboy 2 with Universal. Please don't take Angelina away. Make a trilogy of these films first. I believe that the right script would bring Angelina Jolie on board and look at Wanted. It rocked the box office partly about Angelina.

thank you


I think the same, I thought Jolie was great. However, in recent interviews Angelina has mentioned retiring so a couple of years to raise her children, so I wouldn't be suprised if shes already been approached and turned the offer down. Hopefully I'm wrong though, because I think shes got another Tomb Raider in her.


She has talked about retirment but she is still making movies and with a good script (like the one I wrote) I bet she would come back.


The one you wrote? Im interested :)

Email it me: [email protected]


Forget a good script (remember Cradle of Life had her seal of approval), just offer her a hefty payday and she'll come back. If she'll shake it in crap like Wanted, it can't be too hard to get her to put on some shorts and pretend to be British.

As for Hellboy, that was made by the same creative behind-the-scenes people and was a direct sequel. The Tomb Raider reboot is supposed to "reimagine" Lara Croft, so keeping Jolie would make little sense. It would be like making Casino Royale with Pierce Brosnan.

There is a man...he travels fast...he has purpose...he brings violence and destruction.
