
I don't know who to blame from all these editors who edit the film.
The film could be good. I read the original script and cant get out of my mind that there exists a Director's cut that runs 20-30 minutes longer with alternate and extended scenes (Simon said it himself)

This film is killed by the editting. I mean it is butcherd by the editting. I don't know why.

Who should we blame from all these guys who did the editing or maybe Paramount and the producers???

Film Editing by
Dallas Puett (as Dallas S. Puett)
Glen Scantlebury
Eric Strand
Mark Warner

Dalls: I kinda dont remember any of the films he edit because its been so long since I last saw them but since he doesnt work in anything big. I guess it might be him.
Glen did transformers and all the movies Simon West directed. I remember Con air been a mess in cuttings but I liked the pace on General's Daughter. And transformers was really good edit.
Eric did some really unknowns but also worked on Donnie Darko. Now darko is a great movie but not about the editting...
I could blame Mark Warner for The Devil's Advocate because I remember every scene been cut and I was thinking there must have been smt here they cut and smt here they cut... and he did Monkeybone and Anacondas do I need to say more?

I guess it really is because of Dallas and Mark Warner.


Agreed. This film had a lot going for it. I still really enjoyed it. But if anything killed it it was most definitely the editing. That and the casting of Iain Glen (imo).

Voting Hist.http://www.imdb.com/mymovies/list?l=26598711
