
I would love to see a reboot featuring Natla as the main villain since she is Lara's archenemy in the games, Winston as Lara's trusty old butler, and since they probably would go the root of having Lara have a love interest put Kurtis Trent in this role. It could be much darker and follow the storyline of the games more closely. Would anyone else watch?

Your a real gold-plated whore mother!- Barb "Black Christmas '74"


I'm with you on adapting the original games. They do it with books and foreign movies all the time; don't see why video games should be any different.

As for Trent, no way. Leave Lara single, but with a desire to take lots of soapy showers.

There is a man...he travels fast...he has purpose...he brings violence and destruction.
