Is this better than most VG Movies
like Mario, Double Dragon, and the second Mortal Kombat?
shareIf you haven't played the games- yes.
If you have than you will probably be just as dissappointed, if not more.
I actually enjoyed, Mario, but I was dissappointed in the same way I was with this. They didn't keep the game's storyline with Natla and all that.
Stupidity - 9/10
Hollywood Goes Gaming - 8/10
It's the best video game adaption ever made but that's not saying much.
shareIt is really good. It is not an exact adaptation of the games but it has both the spirit and the logic of the games.
I think the sequel was better - a bit more Bond-like even though I don't like Bond movies!
It was so-so but I think we can apportion some blame to the writers for making it too far-fetched.
I play Tomb Raider games and I know Angelina had to literally become the character and to be fair she pulled that off well including her own stunts.
But it is cringeworthy to watch Miss Croft swinging around from a chandalier and a bungee rope in her manor, single-handedly taking out an entire SWAT team. There must have been twenty trained assassins and we are supposed to think one initially unarmed woman can successfully dodge every bullet AND kill them all off whilst swinging about from the ceiling?
But I still enjoyed it - I just overlook that bit! And yes, Wanted was awesome. I haven't seen Salt yet. Wanted was extremely funny in parts - a film that definitely winks at it's audience. Wesley Gibson before he morphs into Russell Crowe is hilarious. Such a dead beat bloke in the beginning - Googling his own name to find no matching search results LOL!
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