MovieChat Forums > Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (2001) Discussion > Am I the only one that liked this movie?

Am I the only one that liked this movie?

Am I the only one that liked this movie?

They got a few things that reminded me of the games. They had the house, the temple scene reminded me of one of the locations in one of the games. I mean I had fun. Did anyone else enjoy this movie?


I think it is a fun little movie. I'm not sure if I like the first or second better.


I liked both


I liked both

Me too, they were awesome, I really wished that they did a third one. Could've and would've been great!

"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit me!"- Hudson in Aliens.


I liked it, but didn't feel it was in any way particularly true to the games.
Yes Chris Barrie, yes it was a fun popcorn film and yes they had the house... but so what?

I need a lot more than that - like someone who convinces me she's Lara Croft.

Admitedly, they needed a star name to attract the audiences and make it successful, so they went with Big Tits... but I'd much rather they found a really good lookalike, who could pull off everything but the voice and then had her overdubbed by Keeley Hawes.

The Spacehunter Forum:


Keeley Hawes did the voice of Lara Croft in one of the games, namely Tomb Raider Underworld which I like.


She has (so far) voiced four games - Legend, Anniversary, Underworld and Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light.

Given how *beep* Tomb Raider Reboot is, with barely any resemblance to its forerunners' gameplay, I'm hoping they return to adult Lara with Keely voicing again!
Perhaps the forthcoming Reboot film will also forget Miss Emaciated-with-Big-Tits or anyone like her and do it right this time!!

The Spacehunter Forum:


I think Angelina is too old to do Lara Croft.

Keeley Hawes would be good actually she was quite a hottie in "ashes to ashes" and her voice is perfect for Lara Croft too.

Why does everyone praise the new game? It's so very linear and holds your hand and feels very dumbed down.


Keeley doesn't look the slightest thing like Lara unfortunately, but if they can get her voice into it that'd add some proper, genuine and authentic characterisation!

Why does everyone praise the new game? It's so very linear and holds your hand and feels very dumbed down.

"The graphics are amazing and it gives the tired old Tomb Raider series a much needed reboot"..... apparently.

The Spacehunter Forum:


Yes but do YOU honestly think it needed a reboot? I don't


If you want to know what *I* think, read the post where I used a swear word.

As for the film... It needed doing right in the first place. Scrawny-Big-Tits was a star name, but she was not Lara Croft. Now, in the face of her becoming known for Lara, a reboot may now flop, regardless of how good it might turn out to be.

The Spacehunter Forum:


Ah OK saw your post ..........

I like that "scrawny big tits" haha........

Well I'm an Angelina fan, and while there was lots in the movie to like I too think it could have been more like the games.


Why should it be more like the games? The games are their own thing, play them if you want the game experience. There was a lot of recalling of the games in the two films anyway. It's not as if they took the character and did whatever they wanted with her. They actually had her travelling the globe, her iconic double pistols were in action a LOT, her reactions to the people around her were spot on like the game as well.

Even that thing she does with her eyebrow Jolie got correct. The way she stands, the way she walks, her cadence in her speaking patterns, all were present. Angelina Jolie IS Lara Croft and I hate when people act as if she didn't turn the character into an even bigger name than she was before. When grandmothers can recognize Tomb Raider because Angelina Jolie played the character that should tell you that it was pretty successful with her in the role.

You had my curiosity, now you have my attention


I don't deny that Jolie made the character name even bigger than before... just that the films didn't have the same traits as the games, and/or didn't focus on them enough. There were a few little bits, like the rucksack stow and so on, but nothing most people would instantly think of.

Things like how she moves - Jolie looked like a scrawny, big-titted actress, rather than someone who has been doing stuff like rock-climbing and gymnastics for many years. It made her movements look too forced. This was made worse when they used wire-work for some of the stunts.

Character-wise, she seemed far too arrogant and a lot less witty. There wasn't the same playfulness, character depth or likeability... she just seemed like some rich bint who fancied playing Indiana Jones.
This may have been on purpose, to fit a wider audience or something, but she just wasn't the same character and I think that is what the game fans wanted more than anything else.

Don't get me wrong - I don't generally dislike Jolie as an actress. She was great in things like Gone In 60 Seconds, Girl Interrupted and even Hackers, but she just didn't have the balance right for Tomb Raider.

Also, her accent kinda sucked. They got Brits in for most of the other roles, so why not get a high profile Brit gal to play her? Plenty of 'em around...
Also, why get the future James Bond to play a Yank with an even worse accent??!!

Is that just how Hollyweird rolls?

Why should it be more like the games?

Same reason people want films to be as close to the books as possible, probably.
What's the point, otherwise?

Angelina Jolie IS Lara Croft

So how are they gonna handle the new movie without her?

The Spacehunter Forum:


Things like how she moves - Jolie looked like a scrawny, big-titted actress, rather than someone who has been doing stuff like rock-climbing and gymnastics for many years. It made her movements look too forced. This was made worse when they used wire-work for some of the stunts

You should go back and watch again. Far from scrawny. And are you forgetting that Lara Croft from that time WAS skinny and known for her abnormally large and pointy breasts. So you describing Jolie like that isn't far off from what the character actually looked like.

Character-wise, she seemed far too arrogant and a lot less witty. There wasn't the same playfulness, character depth or likeability... she just seemed like some rich bint who fancied playing Indiana Jones.
This may have been on purpose, to fit a wider audience or something, but she just wasn't the same character and I think that is what the game fans wanted more than anything else.

Um what? There were plenty of witty lines in the two films. She had the playfulness down more so in Part 2 than part 1, but even then, she had funny moments then too. They didn't explore the character thoroughly enough, but for what they did show of her background it was good enough for fans of the game to recognize.

Don't get me wrong - I don't generally dislike Jolie as an actress. She was great in things like Gone In 60 Seconds, Girl Interrupted and even Hackers, but she just didn't have the balance right for Tomb Raider.

Also, her accent kinda sucked. They got Brits in for most of the other roles, so why not get a high profile Brit gal to play her? Plenty of 'em around...

She had the perfect balance for it.

She beat them out for the role. Her accent was better in the sequel. She took up a dialect coach for it. She did fine. And yeah, they knew Craig would be Bond almost 10 years before he was cast!

Same reason people want films to be as close to the books as possible, probably.
What's the point, otherwise?

So does that mean there should never be any original stories containing these characters? The character is the type of character that doesn't have a particular story to tell, she is globetrotting, tomb raiding heroine, why does it have to follow any particular story from the games? Those stories have been told already. The character and the universe are universal enough to tell stories that aren't already made into a game.

So how are they gonna handle the new movie without her?

If it bombs, then you'll have your answer. The two TR films are still considered the most successful game to film movies in the US.

You had my curiosity, now you have my attention


You should go back and watch again. Far from scrawny.

I've seen it quite a lot. For example, tThe scene where she asks, "who... sits ... here?" and points over the top of the chair - Her arm looks positively skeletal!!

And are you forgetting that Lara Croft from that time WAS skinny and known for her abnormally large and pointy breasts.

I'm well aware of the breasts, but she was never that skinny.
Didn't they even pad Jolie up to match?

Um what? There were plenty of witty lines in the two films.

The lines were witty, but her delivery was not.

it was good enough for fans of the game to recognize.

There was a resemblance, but it was very flimsily done.

She had the perfect balance for it.

She looked like someone *playing* Lara Croft, not Lara Croft herself. It was not convincing.

She beat them out for the role.

She was a big name. Doesn't mean good acting...

Her accent was better in the sequel. She took up a dialect coach for it. She did fine.

You think so?
You might want to visit Britain some time... It was quite off the mark. Hugh Laurie does a better US accent than she does Brit!

And yeah, they knew Craig would be Bond almost 10 years before he was cast!

The point is that he's a very British actor, so why is he playing an American? Could they not find an American, or something... oh wait, Jolie is an American... but she's now British. What the hell is going on with the casting?

So does that mean there should never be any original stories containing these characters?

Given how Hollywood fecks it up so often, I'm inclined to say no... Not until they can get the characters right to begin with. This would be why Unisoft refused Sony the rights and are insisting on producing the Assassins Creed film in-house.

The character is the type of character that doesn't have a particular story to tell,

If there's no story, then why do we have a movie?
Perhaps they couldn't think of a good story, so just made one up with her harping on about her father all the time...

she is globetrotting, tomb raiding heroine, why does it have to follow any particular story from the games?

There's plenty of backstory that we hadn't even seen in the game which would have been fine. Instead we get a weakly scripted approximation.

Those stories have been told already.

So they should never have made Lord Of The Rings, The Godfather. Lord Of The Flies, Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, Bones, To Kill A Mockingbird, The Great Gatsby, Interview With The vampire, Moby Dick, Logan's Run, Gone With The Wind...?
*Those* stories have been told already, too...

If it bombs, then you'll have your answer. The two TR films are still considered the most successful game to film movies in the US.

Did Prince Of Persia not surpass both at the box office, then?

The Spacehunter Forum:


Am I the only one that liked this movie?

Don't have a games background but I've always liked the film and AJ in the title role. It's nonsense, but funny, entertaining nonsense which never takes itself too seriously. Casting coup too IMO getting her real life father to play her onscreen dad, even though they were reputed to have not got on IRL.



I think they were talking again at that point.
Then they split, then rekindled, then split, rekindled, split, rekindled, split, rekindled, split and these days who knows...

The Spacehunter Forum:


Yes ttaskmaster, that probably very accurately describes their domestic arrangements. I always thought it somewhat ironic that Lord Richard and Lara's relationship was clearly more harmonious and desired than that of Voight and AJ.


me and my kids liked it. plus my kids loved tomb raider the game at the time this movie came out.


yep. You're the only person that liked it. You awesome, special and unique.


I liked it. I was obsessed with games when this came out, not that I was any good at them. The Tomb Raider are pretty much Indiana Jones-esque, and this film does have that kind of plot. I liked that it doesn't follow any particular adventure from the games, it makes it less predictable. I also like that the plot ties to Lara and her father, which I feel makes her more 3-dimensional. Angelina Jolie was perfect as Lara Croft. The action scenes were fun. I like the settings, the tombs and the mansion. As far as video-game-based films go, I feel it's one of the better ones.


No. I liked it. Nonsense but fun nonsence. Someone complaining about Angelina Jolie's breasts and being too thin? A thin, big breasted Laura Croft is just about right. My wife, also a big Laura Croft game fan agrees.

I'm British and her accent didn't jar with me, even when she is speaking with the future James Bond playing an American. Saw it again the other week and enough to keep me entertained at a second viewing.


This came out when I was in highschool. I've never watched it, and it's on AMC now. Watched a few scenes, and I feel like giving it a chance after 14 years.


The one thing I don't like about people saying Angelina was too thin to play the role is that Lara too was really thin and big breasted. Play the games, and look at her arms. She does not look like an average archaeologist to say the least, much less an athletic person.

I am a huge fan of the games moreso than the movie but I like the movies. If people have a problem regarding Angelina's thinness, they should have a problem with how they actually created Lara in the first place. They created her specifically for the male viewers.

Yes, ultimately I do want a future Lara Croft movie to be a lot more realistic to what a real tomb raiding, rock climbing, gun-toting heroine should look like. But they hired Angelina similar to how Lara looked in the games.
