Those stupid, STUPID glosticks
there's a post on these boards calling this flick one of the last "90s movies". What a perfect idea, and it certainly applies here. I haven't read the actual post, but I'm willing to bet dollars to donuts that a so-called "90s movie" is referring to an action tentpole so overstylized, illogical and mind-numbingly absurd that to watch it now, in the dark, dark post-nolan movie-verse where magic reality is a rather large no-no, is to laugh and laugh.
And so we arrive at those f--king glosticks. WHAT, may I ask, is their purpose - other than to look wicked cool in a trailer or whatever? they seem to illuminate maybe ten inches or so. And why orange light?? Lara Croft is f--king RICH, MAN! are you telling me she had to go with sodium-lit glosticks to save money!? Though I suppose, you know what they say - those who are rich remain that way by pinching pennies. (Actually, NOBODY says that. 'cos I just made it up.)
oh, and the screenwriter(s) should be drawn and quartered for the head-smasher "I am with you always, just as I've always been." We musn't repeat ourselves, 'cause even if it looked okay on paper, it sounds like DOGS--T COMING OUT OF JON VOIGHT.