cool movie but a few problems

i love Tomb Raider the mnovie, saw it in theaters and own it on dvd but wathcingn it now i realize one thing, in the game she is alone 99% of the time in the movie she never ever raided a tomb alone. It was alwasy a huge group of people with her. Thats my gripe and also she never ever ever once did the shimmy across a ledge thing i mean in the game she has to do that every other minute, just place these things in the next one and well be A ok!


Well, she didn't really have a choice given the circumstances. She had to chase the badguy and really didn't have time for raiding tombs. Though I'm sure she did, since her training thing made it seem like she did all her adventures by herself.

Unfortunately, killing is one of those things that gets easier the more you do it.


I agree. I wanted more exploring tombs, climbing and jumping, getting past elaborate traps, solving puzzles, things like that. Obviously it's hard to do this for a whole movie but still, it is "Tomb Raider".

This is one of the same problems with the Conan movies. In most of the original stories he is wandering around by himself and there's little dialog, mainly descriptions.

But I still liked the movie. Could have been better but it was okay.


In a movie, there's a bad guy, not just a challenging obstacle course. In addition, in blockbuster movies, the villain usually has henchmen--ti's all part of the formula.

The story is king.
