Of course taking into consideration that the movie is unreal but still trying to make sense of it all for my own sake, my fantasy impression of the "in-between times" of Tom and Amanda's encounters obviously are much shorter than in actuality.
Amanda goes to Tom's store to pick out china plates and ends up dancing in the fantasy completed restaurant where all shots before and afterwards prove it has not yet been completed with seemingly a ways to go.
Then to me it feels, at best, only a few "days" have passed for Amanda to be wondering when Tom will call and Lois finally hearing the circling juicy rumors. But it must be much longer because that "same day" Amanda calls Tom - and Tom brings over the orchids that evening.
Then to me is feels like the very "next day" Tom requests more orchids be placed around his restaurant opening which leads to Tom's meeting where he cannot concentrate - Tom finding the pastry - Tom going that evening to Southern Cross - Tom locking himself in his office the next morning - and Tom's boss stating the restaurant will open the following evening.
There must also be more time from when Tom is fantasizing about dancing with Amanda to when he is sitting with Lois working, but it certainly feels a lot shorter. When love hits by storm, I think we as the audience want to speed up the process to romanticize and enjoy the moments quicker.
The extravagance of the restaurant struck me as a time-consuming project but possibly it was actually further along than I decided it was when viewed, and also maybe the carpenters are speedy-quick. Can anyone see some timing that I missed? Wonderful romantic film, perfect chemistry along with a beautiful sensitive soundtrack.