caramel eclairs

'Simply Irresistible' was on the other morning and now i have a craving for caramel eclairs. The first time I saw this movie I really didn't care for it, but I've learned that it can be enjoyable on a Saturday afternoon when you just want to relax and watch a cute little romantic comedy. Now I must go make some caramel eclairs...


I know what you mean! I am sure the sales of caramel eclairs at bakerys soared during this movie.


I reckon they should give out the rescipe with the dvd :)


hehe yeah that would be great!


My favorite bakery in Cassis, France on the Mediterranean Sea

Pastry Cream

4 large egg yolks
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1/4 cup all-purpose flour
2 tablespoons cornstarch
2 cups whole milk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Choux Pastry

1/2 cup all-purpose flour
Pinch salt
1/2 cup water
1/4 cup butter
2 large eggs

Caramel Icing

1/2 cup dark brown sugar
1/4 cup whipping cream
1 1/2 teaspoons butter
1/8 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 tablespoon whole milk
1 1/4 cups confectioners' sugar

1. Pastry cream: In a large bowl, whisk the egg yolks and sugar. Whisk
in the flour and cornstarch, then milk. Strain into a 3-quart saucepan.

Whisk constantly over medium heat. The mixture may bubble and it

should become harder to pull a whisk through the custard. When thick,

remove from heat and stir in vanilla. Pour into a small bowl, refrigerate

1 hour.

2. Choux pastry: Preheat oven to 400 and bake an additional 25

minutes. They should be lightly browned.

3. The easiest way to beat in one egg at a time is to use the edge of the

wooden spoon to "cut" the eggs into the dough. The mixture will be

slippery at first, keep stirring and cutting in until it becomes sticky. Stir

vigorously at this point until well blended, repeat with second egg.

4. It is easy to drop tablespoonfuls onto a greased baking tray OR to make

éclairs you can fit a pastry bag with a 5/16-inch plain tip and pipe out 3

or 5-inch strips that are approximately 1/2-inch wide. Bake in the

preheated oven for 10 minutes, reduce heat to 350 degrees and bake an

additional 25 minutes. They should be lightly browned.

5. Set the pastries on a cooling rack, then use a scissors to cut a small slit

in the side of each pastry to allow steam to escape. Pastries are best

kept in a cool dry place at room temperature. When ready to serve, use

a clean piping bag and fill with custard.

6. Caramel icing: In a 1-quart saucepan, heat brown sugar, cream and

butter over medium heat until sugar melts. Remove from heat, stir in

vanilla, milk and confectioners' sugar. Top filled pastries with warm

icing. Place in the refrigerator if you are not serving the pastries


Variation: Serve shells filled with ice cream and top with
caramel or chocolate sauce. Shells may also be filled with
whipped cream and topped with melted chocolate.

Makes 12 filled and iced pastries

Doubt is a pain too lonely to know that faith is his twin brother.
Kahlil Gibran



Nice signature Zebrastripe... will have to try out those recipes someday.


i used your recipe and everything was great and none the less it was my first time making them but however your dough did not turn out however i redid it and used my cream puff dough recipe and everything came togather...
thank you so much..

if you can find me a recipe for the peach thing she made at the dinner party or the dessert she called truffle slippers that would be great email me at [email protected]

thank you ever so much..


truffle slipers aren't a dessert... they are an appetizer made using truffles (the mushroom, not the chocolate confection)


I believe the Paris hotel in Las Vegas has a bakery that sells similar looking caramel eclairs. I recall the buffet served them to.. but that was a long time ago. :)


THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Serve the Servants


mmm I'll have to make some! Thank you!


and also, if you remember, she didn't end up making truffle slippers, there were no truffles, so she modded the recipe and used figs


And thank goodness too, because truffle slippers would be MUCH more expensive!


I glimpsed over the directions in the recipe and I think the reason your pastry didn't turn out correctly is because the steps describing the choux batter were omitted.

When I cook choux pastry for eclairs I usually trade in the salt for sugar (since salt is more of a savory thing and sugar is for dessert eclairs). Mix the water, salt/sugar, and butter in a saucepan until melted. Then take off heat, add in flour and combine. Then return to heat. Continue mixing until you form a big ball. Then remove from heat and I add the ball to my stand mixer. I let the ball cool for a few minutes (5 to 10 or so -- when you can stick your finger in without it burning) so that when I add my eggs they won't instantly scramble. Then on low speed, I'll mix the ball and add in eggs one at a time, waiting until each egg is incorporated before adding the next one. After all the eggs have been added and the mixture is smooth, add to a piping bag. I cook in a 425 degree oven for 10 minutes then lower the oven to 350 and cook for another 10 minutes.

Hope that helps.


haha, i know! i was watching this and (trying) to make eclairs at the smae time. needless to say, they came out all liquidy. crap, how DOES amanda do it??

This is heavy, Doc.


every time i saw someone eat the eclair it just reminded me of
National Lampoon's Van Wilder. If you have seen this movie
you know what I am talkking about if not i suggest you go
see the movie because that part was the most disgusting
yet funniest part of the movie.


u'r totally right i did think of van wilder when i saw that part..however u can't even compare the eclairs..the ones in van wilder were descusting...

dean winchester's bride!
