Did anyone else notice?

Hi! I was watching the movie again in the small hours of this morning and in one scene towards the end, I'm fairly sure I saw the 'magical' crab in a top hat and tuxedo. Did anyone else notice this or am I slowly going mad?


Right at the end, I saw it too, when it was on cable the other day. I wasn't paying close attention, but I thought the EXACT same thing - "Did I just see that, ot am I crazy??"


Oh phew! I'm so glad someone else noticed it...I really did think I was losing it lol!
I wish my life had a magical crab...



did anyone else noticew this movie is laughably horrible? i love sarah m.g. but...... really??????!!!!!!


did anynone else notice that some people ^ waste their time talking about how they dont like a movie?? anyone else think that is kind of stupid, i mean if you dont like it fine but why waste your time watchinfg the whole thing then bashing it, i mean do u have no lfe??


Yeah. I'm pretty sure it was in every other scene in this stupid movie. This movie seriously made me doubt the existence of God. That's how bad it was.
