other irish memoirs?

Hi everyone,

I read and saw "Angela's Ashes" and think both the book and the film are wonderful. I'm a student of English and am planning to write a paper on Irish memoirs, and I'm trying to find two books that I can discuss. I've selected "Angela's Ashes" as one of them, but am still looking for a second book that is comparable in topic (childhood memories) and setting.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to what book would be a good choice? I'd like it to be set in '20-'40 (Republic of) Ireland, so "'Tis" is not an option. I'd be great if the book was nominated for or won any prizes.


Irene (Nijmegen, the Netherlands)


Hi Irene,

i just read your post about a comparison to 'Angela's Ashes' regarding childhood memories.
I've got a suggestion, which would be 'A song for a raggy boy'
It is set in 1939 Ballymackeera/Ireland in a Boy's reformatory school called St. Jude.
The plot would be how the boys were tortured and wrecked by the priests in their school. It is touching and horrible, and it is an autobiographical Book by Patrick Galvin, in which he expresses and sadly remembers his days in the school.
There is also a same called movie, released 2003, with Aidan Quinn.

I can tell you both, the book and the movie are touching and shocking.. sad but true.

I hope I was able to help.

Best of Luck,




You could try Evelyn. I dont know who its by but it was made into a movie starring Pierce Brosnon. I think it takes place during the 50's.


The Mammy is a work of fiction so probably not the best source as a reference.Try 'To school through the fields:an irish country childhood' and 'quench the lamp'. Both are by Alice Taylor. Or else mayby A Dublin Girl: Growing up in the 1930's by Elaine Crowley. I read Alice Taylor's two but not Elaine Crowleys.Both should be easy to get online,use easy English and most importantly are true and accurate memoirs of Ireland in that time.


Frank McCourt have written also a sequel to "Angela's ashes". I'm just not sure how it's called in english. It's also very good.

And his brother Malachy McCourt wrote his own book, "Swimming munk" or something like that.


Malachy McCourt wrote "A Monk Swimming" as well. :)




Borstal boy by Brendan Behan - one of the greatest irish writers of the 20th century.
