MovieChat Forums > Angela's Ashes (2000) Discussion > i wish they would rerelease angela's ash...

i wish they would rerelease angela's ashes on dvd special edition

i love the movie angela's ashes. i don't know why and no it's not because my name is angela. Ha, Ha ! it's a wonderful film that explores the hard times of frank mccourt. I found the hard cover book at a library book sale. i was so happy and i read the book tis. i liked that too . i wish they'd rerelease angela's ashes on dvd a special edition. with deleted scenes and a bunch of other stuff. not to long ago i bought angela's ashes on dvd after having it on vhs for so long and dicovered frank mccourt's communtary which i have yet to finish then watch the movie with alan parker's communtary.

ever since i was a young kid i vowed i would one day write about my childhood.i lived in a small farming town in michigan. my mother (bless her soul)had a terrible diease called lupus which back in the 1980's doctors weren't very knowledgable of at the time. i was born premature 1 pound 6 ounces. so i had to go to physical therapy when i was little to get up to speed of others my age and i had to be in special education my all through school. let me tell you if you think you can teach your child at home do it or help them stay in regular ed classes. it killed me to be labeled special. stuck in class with kids who were trouble makers. work never got done and half the time teachers had us watch movies. it hated it so much i wanted to be like everyone else. whenever i asked to be put in reg ed classes teachers always said you'll just fall behind. i didn't care i wanted to be like a regular kid. that meant everything. like i said don't put your children through that. and i will never fully have the emotional capacity of that of your average 23 year old. all though people say i'm pretty smart intulectually. (okay i'll just say my spelling kinda sucks i admit it) my mother's sickness took it's toll on me emotionally and it destroyed my family. i just hope somehow i can write my story in it's entirety. maybe it will be a bestseller or even made into a tv movie. cool.

thanks for anyone who read this.
you have unbelievable patience !




I agree, I wish they would come out with a special edition dvd. It is about time, I think! They should have done it when the book "'Tis" was still on the top of the best sellers list.

But that is not the real reason I am responding to your post. It is only two weeks since you shared a bit of your childhood with us, but my question is, have you started writing your story yet? The biggest mistake you could ever make is to NOT write it. I am going to guess that your writing for an online post is not your best work, but good writing starts with a good story, and already I want to read it! Sure, your spelling and some sentence structure leave a bit to be desired, but that's what review, editing and practice are for. It would be worth every penny and every minute of yor time for you to take a creative writing class at a local community college. I have no idea what your education level is; you may well already have a degree, so please take no offense. There are also writing seminars periodically available in most areas (especially if there is a school nearby). I took a children's book writing course, and it was one of the most fulfilling classes I ever took. I couldn't believe how much writing I achieved just while in the class, and the result was quite motivating. Of course, I need to take my own advice and take the next step; to finish an entire series of stories (which are of course loosely based on my own childhood, which is the best place to find my child's voice)and send them to an agent. This is the part where I get chicken.

If you need more motivation, post back. I do hope you see this, as I would love to one day see your memoir for sale at B&B or on Amazon. I would be first in line to buy a copy!

