MovieChat Forums > Angela's Ashes (2000) Discussion > Has anyone read 'Teacher Man' yet?

Has anyone read 'Teacher Man' yet?

Well, I'm just finishing off reading the latest book by Frank McCourt, Teacher Man.

I thought it was good... not as good as my favourite from the three (Angela's Ashes), but still good.

Has anyone else read it yet?

There is no dark side of the moon, really. Matter of fact, it's all dark.


Nope, I'm reading 'Tis right now


If you're a teacher, there's lots to love and understand about TEACHER MAN. It's such a departure from ANGELA'S ASHES and 'TIS because the story is not about his family.
I love Frank McCourt.
Incidentally, I live right near the old Stuyvesant HS where he taught and my neighbor's daughter was a student of his.
Apparently, he was drunk all the time and his students would cover up for him. They "adored him" as she put it.


Teacher man is great but not as absorbing as the preceding two. Some of it rehashes old material and is redundant but it makes for an overall entertaining read.


having read all his books, he's pretty obviously a functioning alcoholic. anyone? i mean, he's become his father, no?


what makes you think hes an alcoholic?


I read Teacher Man and it was a fabulous read. He was no alcoholic. From time to time he would hit the bottle but by no means he was anything near his father. As a matter of fact he confronts his father about his demons in the book.



I just finished Teacher Man and I couldn't put it down. I loved it as much as Angela's Ashes. The difference was, I couldn't stop laughing instead of crying.
