book v. movie

I'm in the middle of reading the book and haven't seen the movie yet. Does anyone know how close the film is to the book?


I would say it doesnt stray too much from the book. obviously some parts are omitted but in general it keeps the main stroylines and the spirit of the book. i loved the book and liked the movie. i thought it was a good effort.


i'm writing a giant paper comparing the book and the movie for a freshmen college class. the book and movie are extremely similiar; however, they differ in how Frank is able to overcome the obstacles (the movie simply shows he overcomes them whereas the book gives intellect into HOW he overcomes them). There is a strong difference in the tone of the two...the book is much lighter than the movie because the book has a particular kind of satisfactory humor in the most difficult of scenes. The movie is much darker and we see that it will be darker considering that the movie starts out with the death of Margaret and the rain pouring--this is significant because it marks off the point in which Malachy Sr. turns into a dieheart alcoholic. There is also quite a bit of variation in narration between the book and movie--book is present tense and the movie is present tense, but it gives only a limited perspective and the viewer has a lot of questions at the end of the movie. The last bit of criteria for comparison is the character development. You can take two paths to analyzing this problem. The first is to anaylze the relationships that Frank develops with the characters in the book and how they help him through his tough times. The other is the portrayal of the family, how everyone copes with their problems--the father drinks and the mother smokes. It is also important to consider how the book exemplifies the average man and woman in Ireland. It is significant because it gives reason to why the mother and father treat have the relationship they do and how it affects the family and lifestyle.

Hope this helped...because I wish I could find someone to give me more information for my paper.


Great part of the charm of the story is the way Frank tells it in the book. He narrates it from the point of view of him at a certian age. So when he's a little kid, he narrates it like a little kid, etc. That's just really sweet and touching because you get the innocence of a child in the middle of all that misery and pain. Then as he grows older he narrates it differently and you get to sense the loss of innocence. You really don't get that in the movie.

But it's pretty faithful to the book. Unimportant things were eliminated, but it's pretty much everything there.

I enjoyed the movie. It helped me see what Limerick was like.

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The movie sucks big time compared to the book. I mean, it's similar, but there is a lot that's left out of the book. Read the book. It's much much better.
