He slept with a girl who had typhoid
did he contract the disease from her?
shareshe didn't have typhoid, she had tuberculosis.
although he did get thyphoid fever.. that's why he was in school for months and was almost pushed back to the younger class.
sammy, did you actually read the book? he slept with a girl who had tuberculosis long after he recovered from typhoid fever. if you didn't read the book, then don't depend on the movie to do a book report. the movie didn't do such a great job of following the book. quite disappointed actually.
shareyah i agree, he had typhoid wayyyy before he slept with the girl with tb. and you cant get typhoid sexually, duh.
According to the Mayo Clinic, you can get both typhoid or tuberculosis from being in close contact with someone that has the disease. You can't get much closer than sexual contact.
What struck me as being a bit odd is that Theresa obviously came from a family of far better economic circumstances. The most common cause of typhoid is the raw sewage like the kind that ran rampant through the lane the McCourts' lived on.
Perhaps Theresa caught the typhoid from some other sexual liaison or perhaps it was just so common in Limerick at that time that even the wealthier folks caught it too.
She had TB, not typhoid. TB doesn't care how much money you've got, dumbass.
shareYes, it was t.b. That's why she died in a sanitarium. T.B. is extremely contagious and while it may not be contracted through sexual contact,once it's airborn,it can be deadly. Limerick provided the perfect damp climate for tuberculosis. Today most T.B. can be treated with an extended course of antibiotics. Frank took a real risk in sleeping with Theresa...but could you blame him?
shareIs name-calling really necessary?
shareTB doesn't care how much money you've got, dumbass.
This is a movie message board.. having to have read the book is not a prerequisite.
orders,warnings,lunatic demands are regular occurances
Teresa didn't have typhoid. She had tuberculosis, aka consumption, and that will give you a lingering death. Typhoid will usually take you quickly and not leave you able to enjoy what life you have once you've got it.
sharehe was ten when he got typhoid, he was 14 when he slept witht that girl
the girl didn't have typhoid - she had "the consumption" - tuberculosis. It's very contagious, but he clearly didn't contract it. It's hard to explain, but webmd or wikepedia are very helpful.
Further information: Transmission (medicine)
When people suffering from active pulmonary TB cough, sneeze, speak, or spit, they expel infectious aerosol droplets 0.5 to 5 µm in diameter. A single sneeze can release up to 40,000 droplets.[21] Each one of these droplets may transmit the disease, since the infectious dose of tuberculosis is very low and the inhalation of just a single bacterium can cause a new infection.[22]
People with prolonged, frequent, or intense contact are at particularly high risk of becoming infected, with an estimated 22% infection rate. A person with active but untreated tuberculosis can infect 10–15 other people per year.[2] Others at risk include people in areas where TB is common, people who inject drugs using unsanitary needles, residents and employees of high-risk congregate settings, medically under-served and low-income populations, high-risk racial or ethnic minority populations, children exposed to adults in high-risk categories, patients immunocompromised by conditions such as HIV/AIDS, people who take immunosuppressant drugs, and health care workers serving these high-risk clients.[23]
Transmission can only occur from people with active — not latent — TB [1]. The probability of transmission from one person to another depends upon the number of infectious droplets expelled by a carrier, the effectiveness of ventilation, the duration of exposure, and the virulence of the M. tuberculosis strain.[9] The chain of transmission can, therefore, be broken by isolating patients with active disease and starting effective anti-tuberculous therapy. After two weeks of such treatment, people with non-resistant active TB generally cease to be contagious. If someone does become infected, then it will take at least 21 days, or three to four weeks, before the newly infected person can transmit the disease to others.[24] TB can also be transmitted by eating meat infected with TB. Mycobacterium bovis causes TB in cattle. (See details below.)
^^From wikepedia. As it says, she may not have been contagious when he slept with her.
Others at risk include ...medically under-served and low-income populations, high-risk racial or ethnic minority populations....That verbiage sounded too generalized and unprofessional to come from any source other than Wikipedia. share
No, he had Typhoid before that.
She had 'the consumption' which was what they called TB, something that was very virulent at that time in Ireland. It's quite contagious and carried through airborne droplets from the lungs, which is also why earlier in the film his mum is worried about secondhand beds as they could contain them and potentially pass on the disease. Taking this into account and the obvious proximity he would've been he would've been very lucky to have not caught it from her.
Typhoid comes from infected, dirty water and is a parasitic disease that pervades the internal organs - he was lucky to recover from that. While it is all but eradicated from the western world it's still about, but mainly in Africa and Asia and why you need vaccinations against it when you visit these areas.
I'll finish being clever now. ;)
the short version:
It was TB (tuberculosis AKA consumption) not typhoid. TB is contagious but not inevitable.
It is not always 'active' and when it is, basic precautions prevent transmission. Enviromental and general health factors play an important part.
It is entirely possible to live with someone with TB and not catch it.
Typhoid is very contagious. Among other symptoms, it causes diarrhoea and bleeding from the bowel. Sexual activity during the infectious phase is unlikely, to put it lightly.
And yeah, like others here, I do wonder at some people's complete inability to look stuff up themselves - and so getting the answer quickly and in as much detail as they choose - but to instead go to some squawking forum and get others (many of whom just as lazy/ignorant) to do it for them...
When morning comes twice a day or not at all
no, Frank McCourt is still alive and wellNot anymore.
Oh god...
Well, at least he spelled Typhoid correctly. :)
"...the young man would love it too, but he can't afford it."