MovieChat Forums > Spider-Man (2002) Discussion > Who Else Would've Played A Great Norman ...

Who Else Would've Played A Great Norman Osborn

I absolutely loved Willem Dafoe playing Norman Osborn(not to mention that I would love to look like him; Mr Slender). If they couldn't get Sgt Elias to play the Goblin, who else would've been good?


John Malkovich.

Green Goblin is great!


Tommy Lee Jones(he looks the most like Norman from the comics)
Michael Ironside
Powers Boothe

Class is Pain 101. Your instructor is Casey Jones


Tommy Lee Jones(he looks the most like Norman from the comics)

Maybe but his voice is wrong for Norman.
Green Goblin is great!


Is it the Texas accent?


Is it the Texas accent?

Yeah. I mean Norman shouldn't sound like this.
I also can't see him doing as good at being over the top as Willem did. Though this is mostly going by Batman Forever.

Green Goblin is great!


I actually thought TLJ could have been a great serious two face

Class is Pain 101. Your instructor is Casey Jones


Thenewnexus posted

I actually thought TLJ could have been a great serious two face

I know it's late to say it now. He might have made a good Two Face though the people writing him didn't do a good job with him at all. Instead of being a mix of Good Harvey and bad Harvey they just made him completely bad. At the beginning when he flips his coin and it lands on good he immediatly decides to make the hostage bait for Batman. How it should've gone is Bad side he is bait for Batman and Good side he gets let go. Later in the movie he gets upset every time his coin lands on good.

1, 2 Freddy's coming for you. 3, 4 better lock your door.


Denis Leary


Gary Sinise!


If not Dafoe, Billy Bob Thornton or Chris Cooper would have probably been best and Gary Sinise could have been interesting.


Mmm maybe not great as the manic goblin but a good Norman Osborn the actor who portrays Tony Stark’s father in Civil War and makes the Cameo in EndGame.


He was also Howard Stark in Iron Man 2 and Antman. He might make a good Norman Osborn/Green Goblin.


Ahhh so true, at first thought they changed the actor but no, the only different Howard Stark was Dominic cooper in Captain America.


Gary Busey


I could see that.

But I also think Dafoe nailed it.


Sam Raimi wanted to see Billy Crudup, Robert De Niro, John Travalta, John Malkovich, Bill Paxton, Billy Bob Thorton, and maybe a few others. I think Paxton was the final choice before Dafoe bought Raimi dinner and auditioned in a hotel room.


Bill Paxton
