Original ending?
I own this movie on vhs, and it says "New Ending, not seen in theaters" I was wondering if anyone saw the theatrical release. Was the ending any different?
shareI own this movie on vhs, and it says "New Ending, not seen in theaters" I was wondering if anyone saw the theatrical release. Was the ending any different?
shareThe original ending goes along the lines that Kell actually killed Kate. making him the devil (in a sense) 661 Confirmed Immortal Kills + 5= Zee Devil!!! :)
shareActually, this would NOT make him the devil. Another nearly-confirmed legend of the "666" thingy is that it actually represents the name "in numbers" of the old Roman Emperor Caligula, who persecuted christians (actually most of the Roman emperors did, but I thing he was the cruelest and most perseverant of all of them). You know that roman numbers are actually letters, right? and that all leters (mostly) actually have a value, right? well, "Caligula" actually added "666" and that was what Christians wrote or yelled when Caligula was coming.
Of course that would have meant that Kell was Caligula (that they didn't killed him on that time), thus making him almost even older than both Duncan and Connor.
This is just as a weird detail... worth mentioning, I think.
I would've preferred that ending, with Kell killing Kate; it would've been more believable. Plus, I don't buy the (nearly) love story ending. Sorry, I don't care how cute you are -- once you kill me, I have to break up with you forever.
The thing that buggs me is that they did a CGi Scotland when Duncan says goodbye to Connor. I don't undertsand why they just didn't shooot that shot under a second unit while the crew was actually in Scotland
Actually, I remember the commentary from someplace (maybe the DVD) that said that that WAS the Highlands. But they changed it because it looked too much like the Alps.
"The original ending goes along the lines that Kell actually killed Kate. making him the devil (in a sense) 661 Confirmed Immortal Kills + 5= Zee Devil!!! :) "
One question?
In the dvd version... if he had 661 kills, and he kills the one black guy when he shot duncan. then at the dinner scene at the table he kills 4 more people NOT including that girl. Doesnt that give him his 666 WITHOUT killing the girl?
No, they say the 661 AFTER "decap with a twist." That kill would have alreayd been confirmed as his 661st kill.
An interesting note about the director's cut. Since Kate doesn't die Kell only has 665 kills. That means Duncan stops him from becoming pure evil for Duncan would have been his 666th kill.
What about the kills in Sanctuary?
shareActually, I like the ending with Kate not dying because it makes more sense.
Kell knew that Duncan Connor would fight, but he wasn't sure who would win.
If he had killed Kate at the last supper, he would have no one kill that would torment Duncan.
I agree with this premise completely. And frankly, since I am a romantic............ I thought the ending was great!
Both backgrounds of Duncan at the gravesite were Scotland (the "alps" and the "green hills") but the CGI just didn't work very well at all. It really is too bad they didn't just film the blurb in Scotland at Heathers original grave.
How would the number of kills change him into anything? I'm pretty sure that was just symbolic. So does anyone know which version they will use if they do make the next movie; will she still be alive?
Yeah, but if Kell killed Kate AND Duncan, that would give him 667...
shareI always thought Duncan was dreaming when Kate walked down the stairs to him at the end because at the last supper we don't see her beheaded, but we do see all the beads on her necklace fall to pieces. It had to break somehow.
shareI prefer the original ending because it was a pyrrhic victory . Duncan had pretty much won the Game so to speak (he became the most powerful Immortal to date now having all of the kills from Kell), but it came at a price: the deaths of Connor and Kate.
I hated the new ending. It was too cheesy only done for the sake of the movie HAVING to end on a good note. The merciless Kell sparing Kate's life for no reason instead of actually killing her to get to Duncan? Nonsensical crap.
Then again, I'm biased saying that since I didn't like Kate at all.
Do I get this right. In the US DVD Version Kate/Faith wasn´t killed? She was only killed in the theatrical version? Than the German DVD is different to the US, cause on the DVD I own, Kate was killed!
The original ending in the theatres had the movie fade out to the credits after Duncan turned away from Connor's grave, making it seem like Kell had killed Faith.
- Deon
Exactly. The theatrical ending was Duncan looking at Connor's grave, saying "I hope you have found some peace, my friend." He then turns his back to the grave and leaves. The original release of the film was about an hour and a half long. The DVD release / TV broadcast is about 20 minutes longer, with the new "Forever" ending (Where Duncan goes back to London or New York or wherever it is and gets back with Kate).
shareWow, I only ever saw the DVD with the "Forever" happy ending back when it first came out...and I gotta say, I was hardly impressed with neither that ending nor the movie in general. Tonight, I decided, for whatever reason, to give the thing another spin...and I actually enjoyed it quite a bit more. I know there is a new movie called The Source or whatever, but I decided a couple things about Endgame's ending.
First, that the "Duncan visits Connor's grave" ending would have been a nice and somber ending--IF it didn't look so crappy! It reminded me of Tasha Yar's holodeck funeral...green grass and blue sky so fake it KILLS any emotional quality the viewer should feel.
Second, the "Kate lives" ending was sappy and nonsensical. Kell clearly killed her at the dinner. BUT--This movie being called Endgame, I thought okay--Duncan is the last: He wins The Prize. The Prize was happiness in the form of Kate--his true love--returning to life and in love with him again. The two of them also get to have children and grow old(ala the first movie's ending) and it is a well-deserved happy ending for Duncan.
That's what I'M sticking with.
"I know it's pretty damn weird to eat people." -Marv
BUT--This movie being called Endgame, I thought okay--Duncan is the last: He wins The Prize.
DAMN YOU ferdinandhudson!!! You busted my contentment!
J/K. Truth is I was a huge fan of the original film, but wasn't a devotee of the show. I saw a few early episodes but only had a basic knowledge of who Duncan was(like everything that came after the first movie--there is NO continuity regarding the state of immortals. Connor won the Prize! Game Over, right? I had to think the TV show was creating its own alternate reality of sorts--but then how was Connor in the first episode? And the other films? Fuggedaboudit!!!!)
So, thanks for the extra insight, I'll bow to your knowledge of the show, but I'm gonna stick with my made up happy ending!
"I know it's pretty damn weird to eat people." -Marv
As is your prerogative.
It would have been far better had the series been a completely separate universe than the movies. If nothing else than we didn't have to see Connor fight a silly immortal such as Slan (and not even get to kill him)!
The fact that Highlander 3 had no mention of Duncan and Connor finally won the Prize (again) one could in reality say that any sequel and the series are separate universes and we're all free to say who wins what.
So in that sense... Duncan who?