Theatrical cut on TV?

Well, I saw something strange the other night. While flipping through the channels, Endgame was playing on one of the Encore "spinoff" channels (can't remember which), and it got to the "dinner death" scene with Kell killing everyone. When it got to Kate's turn, unlike the producer's cut with the shot of Duncan in the hallway being followed by Kate's gasp, and the falling necklace, we actually see Kell swipe his blades, and then the falling necklace. Needless to say, I was shocked, as the last time I saw this cut was in the theaters in fall 2000!

Now, while I thought the producer's cut was far superior (extended final battle, touched up CG effects, etc), it would be interesting to see the theatrical cut again. If I get a chance to record it, I'll see if it has the weird face morphing effects in the final quickening... I vaguely remember them in the theater.

