Couple of questions from a Highlander challenged individual . . .
1. Kell apparently became immortal when Connor killed him at his mother's execution - how? Does a mortal killed by an immortal suddenly become immortal?
2. Same question with Kate - the FAQ states she was an immortal but had to be killed by Duncan in order to be born again - huh? Again, same premise as question 1 - was she really a mortal who became immortal via being killed by an immortal?
3. Did I miss something - how would have Duncan have known Kate was immortal - isn't there something an immortal senses when in the presence of another immortal - the quickening sensation repeatedly referenced? Maybe this is how he knew about Kate - see Q2 above
4. I thought that in one of the prior Highlander movies, Connor finally became "the one" and the prize proved to be nothing more than something minor like a congratulatory handshake or punchline to a joke or something really insignificant - not Godlike powers everyone seems to anticipate.
5. While I liked Kell OK, the Kurgan was still my #1 villain of Highlander movies.
6. Oh, what happend if an immortal kills another immortal on hallowed ground? Does the kill not count? Is there a "#kills" penalty exercised against the offending immortal?
I really liked this movie just too many immortal questions, the biggest being how Duncan knew Kate was immortal and if, he indeed accounted for her becoming immortal by killing her, I could understand her being pissed off. Personally, not sure becoming immortal would piss me off, but it would be something to think about. Also, I must have missed Connor's killing of Kell at the witch burning - I remember seeing him with a lot more hair in some background pix but missed his killinng.
Thanks in advance,
Most people aspire to drink from the fountain of knowledge, i just wanna gargle