MovieChat Forums > Highlander: Endgame (2000) Discussion > To all Highlander-ites, (long post) my i...

To all Highlander-ites, (long post) my ideas to make the story fun

I hope you will all join me on this fantastic project, fail or succeed, it should be a blast!

For quite some time throughout the years, on and off of course...I've decided that I've seen enough. It is glaringly obvious that they made a HUGE mistake in Endgame, we aren't going to get into the other films in this discussion (insults, more correctly), we have all heard them before. Which are moot, which aren't who likes to consider what to make our movie-going experience possible...
Us Highlander fans I think are a bit unique. Here we are, fans of an immortal sword-wielding race, sounds like either an Anime of some kind (not a fan, heh) or maybe something from Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Angel (huge fan). Doesn't it?

I think we can all agree that the first was the best, but again, not the point. From there we saw a string of attempts for them to retcon the ending of the first one. With Endgame we saw a blend of the series, and the movies. And of course, it made absolutely no sense with what had happened in the movies. Which was the point, Connor was Duncan's yoda, his "sire" his...Charlie Brown to his Snoopie. Get the point? Duncan was Connor's dog, nothing more, nothing less. Yes, they had a great friendship, apparantly. Enough so that Duncan took Connor's last name, they were both scottish right? I mean the whole series really confuses me, I admit to never have watching it, maybe I will if someone can direct me to a site/torrent that has them, sorry, don't have oodles of money to throw at DVD collections...

So what I'm trying to get at is we took an "elseworld" type of thing with Connor/Duncan in the Highlander series, as far as I know Connor only appeared once, he shouldn't even have done that. The Highlander series should have been Adrian Paul casted as Connor and had it be everything that took place before either Kurgan, or the Sorcerer. Now, how to fix Endgame? We have a few choices, I'm talking to fans that care about the characters, care about the storyline, and honestly...we have more right to make it ours then they do, they lost that privilage. The writers, the creators who let it slept or cashed-out, this is our baby now...

I am proposing, and I know I have had my share of spelling and grammar errors here so you may not have faith in this, but I got a great imagination and I am a fair, work-in-progress writer. I need work and practice, I'd like to make this a piece of art.

So what I ask is for all who are interested, to go over all Highlander movies, I will start sifting through the series. We will freshen-up on our Highlander lore, if someone can point me out to the animated stuff or if any comics ever existed, let me know. Links would be appreciated but if not, I should be able to conjure up somethin'.

First question is, does Duncan need to exist? A blaring "YES!" followed by a close, but no quit as loud "NO" would follow I imagine, a fairly close split with most leading to Duncan having to live, since too much has been done on his history. The Flip side is, we could re-write it all, we could go over all major key points in the series, condense them down (fairly, not rushed), "movie-ize" them. Taking Season 1&2 as much as possible and making them into one "epic movie" following Connor (Lambert, or you can imagine him miraculously looking like Adrian Paul for some reason, if you so choose :P it's your imagination), and his quests through 1970-1986. A period change would be required. We could even include Duncan, as a past character. As Connor's great regret...

Ah-Hah! An Idea just struck me, okay. Bare with me here, I apologize, racing-mind...Connor replaces Duncan in the series, however, we do not get rid of Duncan. No, we have him as a past character, completed added into the storylines, altering much of the series, but keeping the core prinicples and some of the characters the same. After all Connor had to have known some of them before this mass "elseworld" change...
So, lets go back to 1959, a supposed gathering is happening. Connor and Duncan have been traveling companions for years "Endgame" would be named just that, they think the game is coming to an end, an extremely powerful swordsman (with very limited sorcer-like abilities, more like Jedi-esque fighting skills) takes on Connor (the more powerful, who always beats Duncan, but Duncan starts to hold his own) This would be a merging of Endgame, with Highlander seasons 1-4? (or is there more, again I Will be going over the series, I don't want to completely butcher it, I'm calling for a DRASTIC change in story that will make sense to all of us).

In this Endgame/Highlander series thing, Kell will be the main bad guy. I know there were some doozies in the series, there had to be. Well Connor and Duncan will be fighting them too, not to go back to Angel but think Angel and Spike (Angel season 5) two ensouled vampires, different in many ways, but sharing an unbreakable bond. Although Angel and Spike really liked to rag on each other haha....anyway I digress horribly, I apologize. However, I hope the point has made it's way across to you :).

Throughout this struggle of Endgame/HS(highlander series), we see the trials and tribulations of these two, their loves, their losts. Their pasts, revealing things that cut deep, deeper than even a beheading....Connor and Duncan's friendship will be torn asunder right before the big fight, with Kell and a mysterious Sorcerer with no real power (Yet, as he is trapped) astral-projecting, manipulating Kell, he is showing to be the "real" big bad.
Cut to the ending, after 1-2 big movies, number 3 of this whole saga comes down to it all. (This trilogy would condense the entire Highlander series, merge it with the movies, and change time periods so the quickening in number 1 and 3 actually make sense). Okay folks, still with me? Thanks a lot good buddies, this is a lot to sift through, but I hope I'm making it worth it. Here is my as-of-yet fleshed out plan for how to do this, but...I'd like it to work out this way. Kell has been moving many of the most elite warriros together, he has possibly turned Duncan, meanwhile. Connor's great love (for this half of the century) was just murdered by Kell (or so he thinks. The Sorcerer is moving an even more powerful player, someone deep from Connor's past, who has a stronger bind to him than even Kell, I hope this is not overly-convulted...)

Kurgan and Kell have a face to face, briefly. Kurgan is led by the sorcerer to get away from Kell, as his time is not yet (promising the heads of Kell (who we find out hates Kurgan from the past, they battled for 5 hours to no avail, though some limbs, and organs, etc. had to be put back into place). Kurgan going against this Sorcerer (Van Peebles, whom I'm choosing as the "Big Bad," is trying to manipulate the slightly more powerful Kurgan, but he has blocks, something unforseen. He has a beef even stronger than the Sorcerer, or an obsession. After all, Connor has done all three of these men deep harm. Turning Kell, dogging Kurgan for hundreds of years, narrowly avoided death more than a dozen times (which would also be implied. And shown in a fight scene during the American Revolution for which Connor as there, helping a friend, so was Kurgan...things got, nasty...a certain founding father gets saved, would be a fun little 15-20 minute backstory to show the affect immortals have on our world). So Kurgan attacks Kell, old enemies, all three unite. Duncan has a past with one of Kell's closest confidants, althoug hshe ultimately knows her fate, she chooses to go with him anyway. Duncan is being seduced, Connor is slipping deeper and deeper, feeling overwhelmed on all sides, these come to a head.

Connor decides he is going in, live or die, win or loose. It ends TONIGHT, the Endgame, the final solution between him, and his past. Kell, Duncan, this Sorcerer, and Kurgan. They are all going to die, tonight. But before, research, he brings in his and Duncan's crew (from the Highlander series, once from the movies perhaps) and they go over how they have been documenting (this is the early 60s) and tracking all the kills and power levels of known immortals. Think on the scene where they spoke of all the kills Kell has, Kurgan is beating him by 187 kills (get the refence? heh), a signifigant portion. Duncan himself has only slayed 190 immortals total. Connor has slain twice that, nearly. Combining them around 580 kills. Kell has (what was it? for the sake of conersation we'll say...)...689 kills. More than enough for both of them. Kurgan, the other threat, looming, has nearly 760ish. Kell and Kurgan have a respect, almost fear, it is too close, Immortals who have never had a kill have stopped one with hundreds before in the past. But at these power levels you need all the help you can get.

As he thinks this he catches in the spaces between miliseconds the blade he made for Duncan coming toward him. Connor deflects and a fierce fight ensues.

Flashback: Connor and Duncan are talking about what if it ever came down to them. Connor, grinning, askas Duncan to ready himself, and come at him with all he gots (This is somewhere in Ireland, during a small stint they had there in 1827ish). In the woods, near something that is reminds them of home, smells, the breeze, the green. Close, but no cigar. Connor and Duncan meet glares, Duncan truly believes this casual conversation has brought an ultimatum unto him. Live, or die. Connor's eyes say attack, so he does. Fiercly, futile, he gives it his all, but it is a whoopin' akin to what we saw Lambert go through with Kell in the horrid "Endgame" movie. Duncan surprises Lambert with his swordsmanship, commenting that he may be the one, Duncan screams it will never come to that, lunging at Connor with all his might. Blades gleaming, clashing, sparking, a small eruption of blade, steel, blood, Connor leaves an opening, his neck, his head, exposed, ready for the end. Duncan without realizing what he is doing anymore goes in for the skill. Coming in with a tight offense directed and bring the tip up against Connor's face. Then back-spinning it around the back of his head to Connor's seemingly exposed neck. It only clashes with steel.
"You remember this move now Duncan? I learned this from a great man"-Connor
"Ah, yes, your...Ramirez is it?"-Duncan
"Don't play coy with me son, I am twice your age and twice your strength, but guess what, you got twice my skill as a swordsman" Replies Connor
"Then how come you always beat me?" Duncan asks, perplexed.
"Because, you want to loose, you have a death wish Duncan, I'm going to help you on that."
"Connor how dare you! I have stood by your side and brought down foes 5x stronger than myself! You of all people-" Connor's hilt crashes into his face. "Your emotions Duncan, they give you great strength, but they are also your achillies heal, here endeth the lesson"
Duncan whispers "What lesson?"

End Flashback: We are now brought back to 1961, it has been a few years, some tracking, fighting, bloodshed. And a brotherhood centuries old being tested, in more than one way. Kell wanted to hurt Connor by taking the only immortal, and the only man (in a non homosexual way, c'mon folks :P jk) that he ever loved. A brother, like Kell was to Connor when they were both mortal. Kell has now sent Duncan to assisnate Connor, he must know that Connor would kill him, however good Duncan may be. Yet this time the circumstances have changed, he feels it. Duncan is better than him, he is beating him back. Connor realizes what it is, he wants Duncan to have the prize, he..he has given up, much like Duncan did long ago. But he can't let them end this in hatred and blood, love and blood is how it should be. Connor knowlingly flashes his sword upward then around the back, slicing down upon the neck of Duncan, he catches it in the now somewhat infamous "undefeatable" position which led to Connor's demise in the original Endgame. Connor tells him with his eyes what he must do, this is the end, for him, the beginning, the true beginning for Duncan, he will go on, he will gain their strength. Duncan has other plans...

"Connor, I'm NOT going to do this" Duncan says fiercely, blood spewing from his mouth, but healing quickly. Cuts throughout each other's bodies start o stitch together, they both know this is child's play, they are beating around the bush. Duncan just tried to lop off Connor's head, now he says he won't, his reflexes stopped Duncan's first killing blow, yet he allows himself up to Duncan immedietly after. Both are obviously confused, they are supposed to be enemies as this point, but the past is rushing up to them like a typhoon. All the while, this deadly stance is maintained. Connor not letting go, Duncan wondering what to do himself...

"Connor, a long time ago I had lost everything, all hope, I wanted you to kill me back then, remember? I wouldn't admit it, but you were always right, I know that you were going to be the one. So did Ramirez, he appeared to me a few weeks ago. Connor, you saved me, now let me save you, here is a last gift from two old friends"
"Duncan-no! don't.." It's too late, Duncan has pulled off a reversal unlike anything Connor himself has seen. Connor slices deep across Duncan's neck, but not enough, he held back just enough, despite the forcing into it. Duncan still talking, with blood spewing out constantly says "Connor, it has to be this way, Kell has decieved us, Ramirez warns me of a greater danger, Kurgan, the one you told me about, and someone worse. This world needs you Connor, I'm not letting you leave it for a mortal woman"

Connor rushes Duncan "SHE was more than a mere mortal woman! She was my wife!"...
"I know Connor, and you have had more before, and two true loves, how many people get to say that? What I am saying is, get over it, accept the destiny that is yours, the prize. I nearly killed you, I was decieved, but if you wont do it, I am going to attack you until you do. If you don't do it then, I'm going to decapitate myself, you will loose the power you need to stop Kell, Kurgan, and these other threats. After taking Kell's power you will be able to stop Kurgan, stop this Sorcerer, and end this madness."

Tears well up in Connor's eyes, "Duncan...I never, I didn't want this-" Connor tried to finish, but memories were flowing like his tears. "Connor, you don't want this, but you need it. Thank you for showing me a world beyond possiblity, thank you so much my friend, my brother." With these last words Duncan spins around, Connor reflects it, knocking Duncan's sword wide, Duncan attempts to bring it in (a guy has to make his last moments "Die Hard" right?) but Connor deflects that too, in circular motions he whips Duncan's sword upward, laying in a fierce knee to Duncan's sternum. Duncan goes down, done, exposed.

"I love you Connor"
"I love you, brother."

Connor brings the sword down swiftly, for dignity purposes, the camera or panel (depending if this is a comic or not) would avert seeing Duncan's head roll around. More respect is given to this immortal. Though Connor has to see it, but the strangest thing happens. No quickening, not yet, it is far more quiet this time. It is in Lambert's eyes, deep in, then a smile. It is ov-whoops, here it comes, the quickening. He lurches upward, convulsing, he has never killed an immortal as powerful as Duncan before, as tenacious. He feels all of Duncan's memories, birth, to death, all the pain, the love, their good times, their bad times, the longest moment, it stretches forever, is the sparks of power flowing through him, and Duncan's last moment, a blade slicing through muscle, bone, sinew. The feel of life, for an Immortal, the feel of power.

Connor drops down, you see him set aside Duncan's body, covering it and reverently placing an old MacLeod (sp) family heirloom on it, given by his first wife.

What happens next would be described and shown to be one of the fiercest battles in the history of sword fighting. I'm talkin, making Yoda look like a blind cane wielding munchkin. Kell using his two flat-blades that turn into two swords. He displays some lightning abilities, tossing Connor around. But Connor is healing quick, quicker than any immortal Kell has seen!
"I see you took your friend's life, well, I wish I could say it's something you aren't used too-"
Getting cut off Connor leaps, far, and fast, towards Kell, dodging a few bullets, and a few lightning strikes.
"You know you can't win Connor, I could have taken your head the last time we met, I am twice as powerful now, and you, well...haven't changed at all! Hahaha"
Silence, total silence. Followed by a powerful blast of light, of energy, not the chaos that is lightning, this is something pure, something that comes from love. It knocks Kell down fiercly, he starts to heal quickly himself.
"Let's finish this!"
Kell launches himself at Connor. Conor side-steps and deflects, basic, but effective. Kell yawns, then seperates his sword into two, very nasty looking blades. Connor does the opposite, he puts his sword away. "Come Kell, you want this power I got, you can feel it" Suddenly, flashes around Connor, and then, an apparation. It is Duncan, and Connor, they are both there at once. Kell hurls one of his swords at him. Duncan deflects it with ease. "Impressive, how do you plan on taking my head with no blade?"
"I'm going to rip it from you Kell"-Connor
"You are ours, Kell, and when we are done with you, you will wish you were nothing"-Duncan

Kell prepares his final attack, swiftly moving his sword in fluid, water-like motions, it appeared to create waves of energy around the Connor/Duncan hybrid. He swings again, again, faster and faster, in patters indescribably brilliant, dwarfing that of the greatest living human sword masters today. Connor dodges, dodges, then finally. Kell gets in close and drives his sword deep into Connor/Duncan, a mild grunt of pain, followed by a grin.
"Not even the two of you with such power could stop me, don't fret my dear Connor, oh and I guess Duncan, if that is really you, in there...You both should have known, this is not a fairy-tale. These things never work out the way you want, no happy ending, got me?"
"I got you" replies Connor/Duncan in unison

Kell realizes then what he had done, but it is too late. He impaled his sword deep in Connor/Duncan, deep enough that it wouldn't shake loose. Before he knows how to react with reflexes matching his own, but surpassing his emotional state, he finds himself in a fierce headlock with an impaled Connor/Duncan.
"You were my brother in my old life Kell, I just wanted you to know, that I loved who you were, once upon a time. Goodbye."

Kell lets out a scream that emenates with power, reaching the Sorcerer, touching Kurgan (who we see with a huge grin on his face, now riding around insanely in a vehicle with two poor women that look like they hope death comes soon). But then they realize fully what has happened. A vision hits them both.

Two voices, one stronger, one hinting at itself in the background say in unison
"There can only be one."

Connor brings down Kell's head across his own blade, bait, and trap. Kell gets his own head lopped off with an impaled Connor, and a grateful Duncan.
Connor rips out of the impalement, blood flows like a river, but only for a moment. The biggest quickening ever seen is about to take place, lightning, thunder, the gods themselves strike down on this bleeding, half-broken, but renewed and determined immortal. He takes it all, finally, kneeling, his sword laying next to him. He looks up, deep into the sky, then back deep into the city standing before him. Standing before him, as if he were the master of all he surveys. A power he has always feared is near his grasp, with the ones left has no choice but to push forward. The first grin in the entire mo


Two voices, one stronger, one hinting at itself in the background say in unison
"There can only be one."

Connor brings down Kell's head across his own blade, bait, and trap. Kell gets his own head lopped off with an impaled Connor, and a grateful Duncan.
Connor rips out of the impalement, blood flows like a river, but only for a moment. The biggest quickening ever seen is about to take place, lightning, thunder, the gods themselves strike down on this bleeding, half-broken, but renewed and determined immortal. He takes it all, finally, kneeling, his sword laying next to him. He looks up, deep into the sky, then back deep into the city standing before him. Standing before him, as if he were the master of all he surveys. A power he has always feared is near his grasp, with the ones left has no choice but to push forward. The first grin in the entire movie/graphic novel/etc. appears on Connor's face, peace in his eyes, for the first time in a long time.
Staring off into the city, "New York, New York, *laughs* I love this town."

End with Connor walking down the street, a hilt barely showing itself above his jacket. The Survivors of Team Highlander gather together, and bury a friend.

Sorry for the long post but that is my very short, very "needs mucho work" idea I have for blending the series (now a prequel) with the movie Endgame (which melds with the prequel series, which would become 2-3 movies, as suspected).

Epilogue: "I am Connor McLeod of the Clan McLeod, my brother Duncan was also an immortal, there have been many of us, are numbers dwindle each day. I feel the pull, in this city, in this place. Something draws us here. I believe it is the gathering, but it seems to be something else, something worse. Deceptive, the devil himself hides and writhes in it. I am moving on for a short time, I am hunting an old...friend. If you get this message I will be gone, for a time. I will stay in touch. This is Connor McLeod, the Highlander"
