MovieChat Forums > Highlander: Endgame (2000) Discussion > I'm kind of a newbie so here goes Questi...

I'm kind of a newbie so here goes Questions.

I actually saw featured films in order.
one two three four.

And I don't have the knowledge of TV series of Duncan.
Because at that time I wasn't interested.

And zero knowledge about animated series.
Not even a second.

I understand the fourth "The Endgame" is not the sequel of 2nd & 3rd, but only 1st one.
Because there's same Rachael and Heather even the actresses are same.

I think details and elements and rules have been added.
Because the extention of the franchise.


Why Conner didn't dicapitiated Jacobs head in the "Holy Ground"?
Of course DVD comment said in this kind of a place "If that happens there'll be bad luck."
But what kind and how much?
How could Jacob tease Connor that degree?

And Kell's gang are concentrating the quicknings all into one person, Kell.
Why do they live like that?
Even they knew they'll be killed by him afterall.
Why even Jin Kei The man of honour?
Semi-factual ancient chinese hero who tried to kill the ancient tyrant in many many years ago.
DVD feature says that his purpose was to kill Jacob Kell.
And some versions he decapitiated himself not to give the essence to Kell.
But why did he serve him in the very first place?



Now I see a little bit.
Whole movie was a joke.
But I like this joke.



In the series, there was a kill on holy ground. It was not a pretty sight. :)

He who laughs last...was real slow on the uptake.
