Except in "The Source" Duncan says he has watched the women he loved die...
He wasn't there when Kate/Faith was killed (going by the theatrical version).
Then again he wasn't there when Tessa was killed either (though I guess he holds her limp body in his arms, so maybe she was breathing her last, I don't recall).
I just assumed they were saying she died offscreen in the 10-15 years between Endgame and The Source.
It was cheap either way, to introduce yet another love interest (and yet another wife) and kill off yet another newly introduced character.
I found it annoying that they would kill off both Connor and Joe, but leave Methos alive (simply because the fangirls and gay fanboys can't imagine their lives without this fictional character surviving forever... so they can't even show HIM dying and have to leave it open!).
If The Source is true of course, Connor died for nothing.
Anyway, let's forget the Source, except to say that regardless of which version of Endgame you consider to be "definitive"... the next movie assures us that Kate is DEAD.
History vs. the Da Vinci Code