The first time I saw "Highlander: Endgame" was probably on a UK video (VHS) rental, and the film contained an evil little dialogue exchange that made me chuckle - I've never forgotten it.
I've bought a couple of DVD versions of the film since then (the US 2-disc version with the workprint on Disc 2, and UK single-disc version) but I've never heard that dialogue again in any of them. It's puzzled me for years, so maybe some expert on the different versions can settle this once and for all?
I can't remember the precise wording (it was over a decade ago!) but Kell was talking to one of his henchmen. He said he intended to have sex with (one of the female characters) and he was going to kill her.
The henchman jokingly asked Kell "Are you going to kill her before or after?" and Kell, with an evil glint in his eye, replied "I'm going to kill her during."
It was a memorably evil bit of dialogue, which I'm sure isn't in any of the DVD versions I've seen. Can anyone shed any light on that missing line?
cant say i recall that dialogue or that scene since in all the cuts i own , Kell is never talking to one of his henchmen alone in any scene. the only female character in the film is Kate. she has a couple different scenes that are in certain versions of the film. so not sure if what you recall is from Highlander Endgame.
as of the various cuts i have..
Theatrical Cut - the short 86 minute cut Producer's Cut - the version with 12 minutes of "more action, more steamy scenes, all-new ending" Workpint1 - different digital effects shots used, trailer scenes included, end fight scene has Connor + Duncan face Kell Workprint2 - included in the US 2-Disc set VCD release- early cut with slight variations over the Producer's Cut, different version of ending with Kate. Fan Edit - workprint2 scenes edited into Producer's Cut, different opening music, different montage when Connor is beheaded.
if you are completely positive that you saw that seen in the movie, then you have a version i have yet to see.
Thanks for the helpful response, donutpower. From your list, I think I own versions 1, 2, and 4.
Unfortunately I don't own the version with that dialogue, but I've been looking for it! I'm as certain as I can be that I'm recalling it correctly - it stuck in my mind from that first viewing, which is why I've noticed its absence in every version I've seen since. I'll have to re-watch the film and remind myself exactly which scene it took place in. The rest of the scene is present in regular versions of the film, just not that dialogue.
It would have been the UK VHS rental version of the film that I saw it in. It was a pan & scan VHS, almost certainly rented from Blockbuster within the first week of release.
yea VHS rentals in certain regions are the ones that tend to have very specific versions. though im surprised that ive never heard or seen it mentioned on the official Highlander forums. especially since the members are quite thorough with various cuts/edits from all over the world.
i have the US VHS release but thats just the Producer's Cut.
if you could elaborate on the characters or the specific point in the scene that you saw it..but yea ive never seen or heard that. not even by word of mouth. its not in any script revision ive read.
Workpint1 - different digital effects shots used, trailer scenes included, end fight scene has Connor + Duncan face Kell
I have never heard of this version. I have seen the theatrical, producers, workprint2 and the VCD version. I heard the trailer scenes were filmed just for the trailer? Is this not true? When you say "Connor + Duncan face Kell," do you mean Duncan with Connor's Quickening, or Connor and Duncan individually? Please elaborate as I am extremely curious about Workprint1!!!!
the trailer scenes were filmed as promo material that wound up being used only in one of the theatrical trailers. but they were still considered visual effects shots that are slightly longer in length than the snippets used in the trailer.
i mean Duncan facing Jacob in the end fight. one of the original effects shots that wasnt used in the theatrical version, was Connor appearing with coat and sword and aiding Duncan. it is why the cut to Jacob's face has him giving the expression of disbelief. because originally he was seeing Connor appear out of nowhere. for the theatrical version they used the effect of having the heads morph between the two.
i got this version from my older cousin way back in 2000. he said he got it from someone else who had 'connections'. he was a big fan of the tv series and he traveled a lot. so i imagine he picked it up outside the US possibly from someone who was involved in the making of the movie.
ive only read of a couple of other people who got a hold of that same version. i recall seeing someone on this forum also having that same cut of the film and discussing it.
as to what it actually is.. my guess is that its just an early version of the film where they tested early visual effects shots. sadly almost none of the effects seemed to be used in the later versions of the film.
If you have time, I'd like to know where in the movie the following scenes take place in the workprint:
1. Connor cuts Kell in two 2. Kell holds a crystal ball with Connor's head screaming in it 3. Kell stops the Clan MacLeod sword in mid-air 4. Connor and Duncan jump through a portal
I cannot see how any of these scenes fit into the actual movie. I'm just curious how the fit in the workprint you've seen. Any info is appreciated....
1. Connor faces Kell in a scene that happens after the scene where Jacob and Faith are discussing what a Quickening is. in the theatrical cut neither scene appears.
2&3 happens in same fight scene with Connor.
4 is a shot thrown in the final fight.
thats the thing. the scenes dont really 'fit' into the movie or the story. they just cut from scene to scene. similar in how the other workprint and even VCD version, where it just cuts from one moment to the other without a smooth transition. it seemed more like a test of what they had at their disposal with effects and the actors available. even the quickenings in this version are quite different and dont resemble the quickenings we are used to seeing that consist of lightning.
i would have liked to have seen the version with Connor side by side with Duncan in the final fight in the theatrical version. think it would have been all the more emotional.
from what i understood was that they toyed with a lot of different concepts but kept having to drop one after another due to the script constantly getting rewritten as the production continued. even mentioning that at one point Duncan MacLeod was the one who was going to get killed off.
that all depends on what cut of the film youd like to watch.
personally i would go with the bluray, because a couple of fans on the official boards have reviewed it to an extent, along with screenshots showing the comparison between the two formats. it is the Producer's Cut and the picture quality isnt anywhere near perfect, but it is an improvement over the DVD version.
if picture and sound quality doesnt mean anything to you, then i'd suggest the Region 1 release that is the 2-Disc Set. that has the producers cut and a workprint copy on the 2nd disc. that workprint version includes the christmas tree plot point, extended scenes, added scenes, and alternate dialogue.
all those listed on that page seem to be the Producers Cut. i believe the one listed as 'Highlander 4' is the theatrical cut.
each version is quite different from beginning to end, even in the most subtle of ways. so depends on which version youd like to see.
yea pretty much. i mean Endgame is poorly edited, so the flaws will be more apparent in the bluray, while at the same time getting rid of a few. so its really the best looking version of the movie. its only the producer's cut, which is a shame. i would have preferred to get the theatrical cut in 1080p. as the theatrical version i have is poor DVD quality.
that US Region 1 2-disc set is really the only release that has all the supplements together.
so if u were to get that 2 disc set and the bluray. youd have the best viewing experience.
yea i saw the thread and posted a reply. kind of a lengthy one but i hope its clear enough to understand. the answer comes from the novelization and the script.