MovieChat Forums > Highlander: Endgame (2000) Discussion > Confused about the Ending in Alternate v...

Confused about the Ending in Alternate versions

Saw it again after 14 years. In the end of this version Duncan meets again with Kate. Wasn't supposed for Kate to be dead at the supper with Kell?

In the version I saw when it came out the movie ended with Duncan over Connor's grave. Wikipedia also omits D&K reunion as I remember it.
.....He then goes to Glen Coe, Scotland to bury Connor next to Connor's first wife Heather.


In the theatrical version, Kate was killed.

In the alternate (inferior) cut, it was a fake out and she somehow survived.

Success is all luck. Just ask any failure.


in the theatrical version it ends with Duncan at Connor & Heather's grave.
in the Producer's cut it ends with Duncan & Kate kissing.
in the VCD version it ends with Kate walking away from Duncan and then it fades to black.
in the workprint version it ends with Duncan dropping off the christmas tree.its a way of continuing tradition, due to Connor dropping off the christmas tree at the beginning of the film.


Wish I could find the theatrical version.


Trust me, the Producer's Cut is far superior. The continuity is much better.

We are the Borg.Irrelevance is irrelevant.


I had last seen this back in the early 2000s. I just saw it on TV recently and the scene cut away from Kate at the last supper. It ended without mentioning her again, the implication being that she was dead. Swore that I had remembered it with her alive. Glad to see I wasn't imagining it.


The ending with the bad guy killing her makes the most sense based on his character.


Wasn't the idea that he was saving her to use against Duncan?
